Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] felt [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly I have never heard from any of them since , although I felt that I had made a number of new and lasting Russian friendships that night .
2 At the beginning , although I felt that I wanted to get better , I was hanging on to the secure feeling that being ill brought .
3 He yawned as he did it , and banged about a bit , so I felt that I had to go .
4 If I felt like I could write enough songs for a record that were good , I would , but it 's not where my real talent is .
5 First I would relax , lie upon a bed , although not the bed in which I normally slept , go through the breathing exercises until I felt that I was part of the bed , weightless and sinking through it .
6 erm I suppose that would mean if they felt they were taking up so much of their time that they could n't do what they considered to be their job properly , and if they felt that I think the parents were persisting and insisting that their own children got more attention than the school could really afford to give them if they were going to be fair to everyone .
7 I declined an invitation to have him fill a tooth , because I felt that I should never be able to afford the fee ; but I did accept an offer to be shown by Vivien round Oxford ( or ‘ Hoxford ’ as Mrs Webster called it , with that superfluous Beds. and Bucks .
8 I had long intended making this proposition to the Secretary of State , but I was urged sooner to it perhaps because I felt that I was reduced in circumstances and thrown from my position in Society , and I hoped by a grand effort to establish a permanent claim on the consideration of Her Majesty 's Government .
9 in my view thrown off without any reasonable excuse , because I felt that I could bring a lot of expertise to the health authority .
10 I did not expect another career , since I felt that I had already had one , but in the event I found not only that , but a fascinating path through life that my original naval calling could not possibly have produced .
11 He had asked me whether I felt that I could ever be Prime Minister , and I had answered light-heartedly , ‘ No , because I do my sums with matchsticks ’ .
12 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
13 Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror , unaccountable yet unendurable , I threw on my clothes with haste ( for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night ) , and endeavoured to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen , by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment .
14 And today , most satisfying of all , for I felt that I and my bill hook had really earned him — the stubby-billed twite .
15 God seemed remote but I appealed for his protection and received a measure of assurance , though I felt that I was followed by an evil presence .
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