Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] have come from " in BNC.

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1 The questions of who I was , where I had come from and where I was going struck them with confusion .
2 Where I had come from , in the English provinces , the markets were quite small , and reserved for food .
3 That , and my only tape , ‘ Shepherd Moons ’ , reminding me of where I 've been and where I 've come from .
4 Out where you 've come from ?
5 They 've got no use for words back there where we 've come from .
6 It did not really matter who we were or where we had come from ; the fountain united us all in a common purpose and that was enough .
7 People would stop in the street asking how we were and where we had come from all in perfect English .
8 Well it 's not an immediate problem , it just occurred to it 'd be nice to have you know I 've I 'm writing a list of the recordings as they come in and where they 've come from .
9 While servitors were bringing food and wine , the visitors accounted for themselves , where they had come from and what had transpired , the situation at Berwick and over on the West March .
10 Puzzled , I finally twigged where they had come from : the synthetic rock — supposedly safe — that I had decorated the tank with .
11 This time in the hotels I particularly noticed how many people of different tongues were also staying there — all babbling away and making me wonder who they were and where they had come from .
12 Send us your clippings , stating clearly where they have come from and the date .
13 Elaborate procedures are set out to ensure that both the exporter and the importer know what the wastes are , and where they have come from .
14 He wanted to be two hundred miles away , where he had come from — even in that bleak house in that wasted corner of the sleet-driven estate .
15 Davide , after returning from America , had lost his bump of locality for his native place ; when the plan showed a turning one way , he missed it , or found he wanted to walk back where he had come from , or go in another direction altogether .
16 When you told me that Stapleton had owned a school in the north of England , I checked on him and where he had come from .
17 Of course I suspected where it had come from .
18 We 've heard a lot this morning er about the merits of client server and where it 's come from in the last five years .
19 Cos I 've come from higher class to the low lower class .
20 They 're standard army ammunition , but not necessarily issued to the British Army — again , the Ministry of Defence should be able to tell you if they 've come from some British Army depot or not .
21 I knew so little about who had held them and how they had got out , it seemed as if they had come from a different world , a different time .
22 If they had come from any other man or woman in the kingdom of Scotland , they would have been considered treasonable ; writing to her brother Henry , Margaret made constant pleas for the English to send troops into Scotland to restore her as Regent and crush any opposition to her and the Earl of Angus .
23 But now that computer animation looks so real , some advertising agencies are insisting that the images they pay For must look as if they have come from a computer .
24 As well as being taught the basic techniques of childcare , some girls may also need to learn how to give and take love , if they have come from environments in which they experienced very little love and affection .
25 Thus when the postmistress asks him if he has come from Mars , he answers ‘ yes ’ because she has just told him the story of Merlin that is a local myth .
26 And yet because you 've come from a P A Y E background , you feel you 've got to get up in the morning , and go to work .
27 Yes I know because it 's come from an old an old word an old .
28 Many times an idea will be rejected simply because it has come from outside the department .
29 A smile came to his lips as he thought of the thing he had bought Fei Yen that very evening , after he had come from the boy .
30 On the carpet by the tallboy were several red carnations , as fresh as they had come from the florist , and beside them , a shattered glass spill .
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