Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] be talking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 where you 're talking about an alarm .
2 where they 're talking about spending money on a one of these old old cage drillers , tooling it up to drill cages at .
3 That 's the difference between arts and science , because you 've actually got something there you can look at and study , so you 're talking about facts , whereas in the arts side it 's all airy-fairy and you 're beating about the bush a lot .
4 Then what you might say is well what ar y'know erm you might say well s one define aggression , two define one theory , define the other and then y'know just structure it so you 're talking about single or sentences maybe on on a line that go down to very little but enough to show how you would go about answering the question .
5 So assu you 're talking about , well supposing that 's grown , it may be four thousand , so you 're talking about two thousand tr vehicles in the interview direction over twelve hours .
6 Of course although we 're talking about dying and nobody wants to think about dying let's remind ourselves it 's the only certainty in this life .
7 ‘ My oldest daughter is 17 so we are talking about most of her life .
8 So we 're talking about the next century . ’
9 So descendants of John and Jane , er John Wilson died in nineteen hundred and three , at age seventy six , so we 're talking about the turn of the century .
10 Over the level , right , so we 're talking by ?
11 So they were talking about us ! ’ said Breeze .
12 BT : … so he was talking about sentences in progress .
13 " Stop talking " can be seen as plain common sense if everyone is talking at once , but if it comes from an over-talkative mother with a shy child it can have serious consequences on the child 's character .
14 If I was talking to you on the street and you had asked me where such-and-such a street was , that was all right .
15 If I was talking to you as my pal , I 'd get done for idling my time .
16 It 's as if I was talking to somebody .
17 Erm I if I was talking to an audience in the United States , you 'd probably have a somewhat different approach cos over there they seem to throw their desktop devices away every two or three years and replace them with brand new technology .
18 If I was talking to my
19 The string retainer has been screwed down a little too low , resulting in quite a severe break angle over the nut , but if I 'm talking about that as a problem , then you can see there 's really not much wrong with the rest of the LX .
20 Cos I was talking to Lilian , she was thinking that each year she 'd be given an update it should be a five year plan .
21 Cos I was talking to Debbie Thursday .
22 And we were at MacDonalds and I was talking to her , anyway , he even got really jealous cos I was talking to her .
23 Like , cos I was talking to him in the party , yeah ?
24 Cos I was talking to Brian
25 Cos I 'm talking about change in the N H S is all we can put down .
26 She held out her hand , palm upwards now , and moved her head slowly as she looked at Aggie as if she were talking to a friend who would understand that a cousin of hers had not married beneath her .
27 She stared into the camera as if she was talking to it .
28 I wondered if she was talking to me for a minute .
29 Zeinab would get emotionally involved if she was talking about breakfast . ’
30 I think that makes it difficult because if you are talking to somebody you do n't know whether you 're going to have a bad pain during your conversation …
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