Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] ever [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The idea of three comes as an abstraction from many sets of three objects : although no-one has ever seen three , children can see three cars , three people , three umbrellas , three miscellaneous objects , and so on , and eventually they will understand the ‘ threeness of three ’ .
2 However , under King Henry 's harsh but effective rule , England had remained peaceful , so nothing had ever come of her father 's plans and Isabel was free to indulge her girlhood dreams in the quiet haven , shut off from the bustle and constant noise of castle life .
3 Valerie Masters … they and so many others arrived , did their songs with more panache than I 'd ever heard before , and departed .
4 After premiering in Amsterdam in 1987 , Cale dropped its piano and pedal steel parts — ‘ the cabaret aspect ’ — because , ‘ the Soviets played it better than I 'd ever imagined , with so much passion .
5 She had more Christmas cards than I 'd ever seen for one person ; every surface was a forest of them .
6 I felt lower than I 'd ever felt before .
7 The first GPs of the season brought me more success than I 'd ever dreamed . ’
8 ‘ I had scaled magic heights and found obscurantism , absence of hope , a world infinitely darker than I had ever imagined possible from where I had stood in the Gorbals . ’
9 The rocks were gigantic boulders of conglomerate , monstrous in their barren strangeness , much larger now we were close to them than I had ever realized from the island .
10 I felt further away from him than I had ever felt , even when I came back from the hospital .
11 I tried to slacken pace but the slowest I went seemed to be faster than I had ever run before .
12 She spoke more eagerly than I had ever heard her speak before .
13 Actually the truth , beautiful in its simplicity , is far kinder to everybody concerned than I had ever hoped .
14 Frankie dressed himself , and he looked smarter than I had ever seen him in his check suit , waistcoat and matching cap .
15 Across the bridge the track followed the old corpse road back to Muker through meadows fuller with flowers than I had ever seen before .
16 The air of the moors , the freedom of home , and the beginning of independence made Diana and Mary happier than I had ever seen them .
17 Heathcliff looked more like a gentleman than I had ever seen him , but his wife had not bothered to brush her hair or change her dress .
18 I had banged my head badly and it was bleeding but my father was more angry than I had ever seen him .
19 I prayed for them in their growing up years more than I had ever done before .
20 However , when I heard Mr. Gorbachev speaking at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 1989 , about a common European home , I could perceive an image of Europe that made me feel far more European than I had ever done before .
21 There were more living things than I had ever dreamt of !
22 It made the universe more savage and unknowable than I had ever dreamed
23 ‘ I 've been thinking of you — — far more ’ , he wrote , ‘ than I had ever expected to think of a young man — but then I 've got to know you so well , I really miss you very much . ’
24 On the day of the Station sports I tried harder than I had ever tried in any of my events , and the results were exactly as predicted by old Doc Whittingham " not in the first three , could make fourth if he really tries hard enough " ( which could be the story of my life ) .
25 He lifted and transferred my soul from the depths up to the heights , so that I ardently longed for the pleasures of heaven more than I had ever delighted in physical embrace or worldly corruption …
26 ‘ I want you more than I 've ever wanted anything in my life .
27 There were more standing ovations than I 've ever heard .
28 I love you more than I 've ever loved anyone and I 'll never love anyone so much again .
29 ‘ Better than I 've ever done ! ’
30 I 'm getting scripts now , I 'm doing better than I 've ever done in my life , Kerr says I 'm as funny in Eh ? as Buster Keaton . ’
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