Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] be aware that " in BNC.

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1 I then reassure her that I have forgiven her , although I am aware that the word ‘ forgiven ’ implies that I have absolution in my gift .
2 I was grateful to the hon. Gentleman for raising that , because it is not often realised that such claims can be made up to three months before the person enters care , although I am aware that the circumstances do not always allow that .
3 ‘ I would not advise lone female staff to carry money like this , although I am aware that many shops employ only females and have very little option , ’ said Det Insp Phoenix .
4 Its findings reveal that although we 're aware that the sun causes skin cancer and premature wrinkling , more than half of those interviewed admitted that they will risk burning their skin to get a tan .
5 At the same time , some people also said that although they were aware that they may face an early death , they also felt fortunate to have lived as long as they had .
6 By setting more open-ended tasks he is encouraging pupils to do ‘ their maths ’ , although he is aware that he still controls the selection of these tasks .
7 The question is whether he is in addition permitted to say that , although he was aware that he was causing difficulties , he was doing so from the best of intentions .
8 I wonder if you are aware that in the Bible there are two words for time and that , generally speaking , they refer to two quite different ideas .
9 If you are aware that you do not feel tired , try staying up a little later — it has to be better than lying there wondering why you ca n't get to sleep .
10 It helps you take up a positive attitude if you are aware that others have recognized that age discrimination exists and is unfair .
11 I wonder if you are aware that there is a Lancashire County Council minibus service that uses this stretch of the road twice daily on schooldays .
12 I do n't know if you 're aware that using low sulphur coal , reduces only by 50% whereas if you use the other method it reduces by 90% , and what , in fact , Didcot are doing by that , is really not giving us a very good service .
13 if you were aware that er when you voiced your concern Mr did clearly agree with you , right ?
14 Once established , even man finds it difficult to change his trend of mind , even if he is aware that it is leading to his downfall .
15 It is sufficient if he is shown to be intentionally using violence or if he is aware that his conduct may be violent .
16 Even though he does not intend to insult , or is not seeking to insult , he can be guilty of the offence if he is aware that his conduct is or might be insulting .
17 Because I am aware that 95 per cent of road accidents are unnecessary and that , given the indices of probability , unless I improve my driving I too will join the crash victims .
18 ‘ I 'm surprised because I 'm aware that I have n't taken many wickets this season , although I do feel I have been bowling well , ’ said Foster .
19 But I , but I think you know the , the , the thing that I found erm most difficult as you say was , was actually completing the C C Q and I think part of it and asking the question but it is , certainly it would be easier to do it using that on your knee rather than doing it at the table because I was aware that I was turning away
20 William Harvey 's metaphor of the heart as a pump has exerted a profound influence in science because we are aware that the heart is not just a pump .
21 Hilton here formulates the same perceptions that govern Rolle 's understanding of the role of meditations on the Passion when he says : In fact Hilton gives no very precise rules about meditation itself because he is aware that it relates intimately to each individual 's unique personality and gifts .
22 In addition , the agencies themselves will be keen to make sure that they can offer follow-on assignments , since they are aware that they might otherwise lose their workers .
23 This again was unacceptable to the Western states since they were aware that the Soviet Union had little chance anyway of concluding such agreements .
24 Her present to Harry was to be a pair of racing binoculars in a fine leather case with his initials stamped on it ; Wendell 's , a handsome cheque , since he was aware that Harry had opened an account at the bank and was trying to build up a reserve of cash .
25 I was summoned to the matron ( the then equivalent of director of nursing services ) who thanked me for telling her , but asked whether I was aware that the consultant was the most senior in the faculty , and probably one of the world 's most eminent ?
26 And if you are conscious of how your life does n't match the ideals in each of these areas , just as I am aware that mine falls short , then there is a message here for us as well .
27 As I am aware that to remove it from its present location would leave an unwelcome gap in your own display , may I suggest that , if you are willing to lend it , we supply you with a full-size mounted or framed photograph of the original to take its place for the duration of our exhibition ?
28 In fact I was quite embarrassed by her arrival as I was aware that listeners might think I had invited her .
29 Can I just take the panel back through the er l back to basics on this matter in terms of the Greater in terms of Greater York and the the areas searched , firstly I think the first point of fact , there 's no part of that sector as far as I 'm aware that 's subject to any landscape designations either national or local .
30 I do not possess any pornographic publications or pictures of couples in lubricious postures , though I am aware that they exist to an ever more proliferating degree , and I have seen these things in Robert 's room and in my agent 's office .
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