Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb mod] [adv] longer " in BNC.

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1 As the organisers could n't find any reason to suppress it or reject it , they dumped the piece behind screens where it could no longer be seen and we lost sight of it for the whole exhibition .
2 The Collector 's eye came to rest on the corner where Miriam lay ; she was too weak to help Dr McNab now , but although she could no longer be of any service to the ailing figures who lay nearby , she had refused to let the Collector move her mattress up to the dais where the air was better and where cholera clouds would be less likely to hang ( if such things existed , which of course they had been proved not to by Dr McNab , but all the same … ) .
3 But although she could no longer see anything , she could swear that the star stopped on the edge of the hole and did not go in !
4 After an intensive rehabilitation programme of physiotherapy and speech therapy , Elinor appeared to have completely recovered from her stroke , although she could no longer think of three things at once , which Buzz said was a mercy for the people who had to live with her .
5 Although she could no longer bear to live with her father , she could not abandon mortgage payments .
6 Although you will no longer be keeping a diary once your programme is completed , it is an excellent idea to retain certain interests like seeking out new recipes , experimenting with different foods , trying new sports , improving your exercise capability .
7 He could remember that , although he could no longer recall her face .
8 Someone had trapped folded paper in the bottom drawer and removed the handles so it could no longer be opened except , perhaps , by a very strong man .
9 If I could no longer eidetik effectively , had my status as apprentice and licentiate of the Brahmin of the Banal been removed at one fell stroke ?
10 Dusk deepened until I could no longer see ten yards ahead , and after I 'd knocked the shaft of the arrow against an unseen hazard twice within a minute I stopped and sank slowly down to my knees , resting my forehead and the front of my left shoulder against a young birch trunk , drained as I 'd never been before .
11 But as the day lengthened into afternoon the argument lurched back and forth inside Isabel 's head until she could no longer think straight .
12 If she could no longer rise to an adventurous life of the spirit , she could keep doggedly on .
13 Which would in any case , cease , she thought , if she could no longer work for the Carsons .
14 Ruth saw she could n't last long ; her face had a blind look , as if she could no longer see through the dazzling fire .
15 Dropping to her knees , as if she could no longer stand on her trembling legs , and heedless of the new peach gown and the pretty fawn pelisse she had bought that covered it , Theda set down her candle on the floor with quivering fingers , and covered her face with her hands .
16 It could allow you to build an extension to give you a ground floor bathroom an bedroom if you can no longer use the stairs .
17 On HP the aircraft is yours at once , and once a specified sum has been paid to the finance company , the finance company must go to court to reclaim the balance if you can no longer keep up the payments .
18 Perry reluctantly recedes until we can no longer hear either of them , though we watch Henry gesticulate , wiping sweat from his mouth and brow , pausing only to sniffle .
19 Research has also suggested that older people prefer not to share accommodation with their offspring in joint households if they can no longer manage on their own .
20 He was not impressed by all the hocus-pocus with the Scapegoat nor by the gossip which linked Jordan with the dead man , but beyond all that he was beginning to feel — to sense that this was a sinister crime , an expression of hatred , long nurtured in secret until it could no longer be contained .
21 Sadly he deteriorated very quickly until he could no longer care for himself or communicate in any understandable way .
22 He waited until he could no longer see the reflection of her candle , before going back to the dining room .
23 Yet if Althorp loses that personal touch , if it can no longer offer the chance to take tea with a relative of the Princess of Wales , will it still pull in the crowds ?
24 Maxim woke with a slightly tender head — those blasted lieutenants and their silly jokes — and the sombre feeling that he must be getting truly old if he could no longer sleep through a normal wakey-wakey in barracks .
25 ‘ So long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ he snarled , and , as if he could no longer bear to be in the same room with her , he turned and strode from her sitting-room , through her hall , and out of her flat .
26 ‘ If I leave , my testimonial year wo n't have the same impact because I 'll no longer be a West Ham player . ’
27 The vision of suicide has now subsided , because I can no longer see my broken body clearly on the dark pavement below .
28 If the thing persisted , her only remaining lung would collapse under a bag of pus and she would die , because she could no longer breathe .
29 Mrs Ware telephoned me five weeks after her husband died saying that she felt her children should be taken into care and she should be hospitalized because she could no longer cope .
30 But Mr Landor advanced upon her , step by step and because she could no longer bear to look at him and because his distorted face seemed to merge with the angel 's she turned to dash for the door .
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