Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] do [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 Well cos lights do n't go round corners but
2 ‘ Now I wo n't come down on him like a ton of bricks if he misses chances but I do n't want to see him becoming uptight and letting other aspects of his game suffer if things do n't go right — as against Norway .
3 Apart from the SADF 's electioneering , South Africa and its puppets have at their disposal most of the media in Namibia , vast resources to mount their election campaign and a standing army in the form of SWATF and Koevoet at the ready if things do n't go their way — which is to stop SWAPO gaining two-thirds of the vote for the Constituent Assembly .
4 If things did not go well he took full responsibility .
5 Even if things did n't go to plan , we 'd still have a useful resort property …
6 And if things did n't go well : fifty four months , two hundred and thirty — Marcus lay on the bunk and looked up at the sag that was Pete .
7 ‘ I fought a number of battles but for the last 10 days before we left , because things did n't go too well , I was commanding the rearguard on the Aegean Sea . ’
8 Unfortunately I am unable to advise you how to spot a rambler in a pub , since ramblers do n't go into pubs .
9 An additional factor arises when keys do not go up in ones , but in twos , threes , fives , tens or some other increment .
10 For one thing , you do n't get frustrated when things do n't go to plan .
11 When things do not go his way , he calls the effort a failure .
12 ‘ I felt for a lot of years I did have a lot to lose , when there was only one way to go and that was down , and when things did n't go the way I wanted them to go I blamed others .
13 Even though things do not go according to plan , Elmer 's idea offers lots of amusing possibilities .
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