Example sentences of "[subord] [noun sg] continues to be " in BNC.

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1 Rather , a context of action is defined where autonomy continues to be valued and guarded , but where the paramount cultural values stress generosity and affiliation , and where kindred and community , protected by these values , remain the sole sources of nurturance and security .
2 Our balance of payments will never improve while trade continues to be a one-way traffic .
3 While pneumonia continues to be a common occurrence , by 1989 improved treatment had reduced the numbers dying as a result to only 3% .
4 An interesting question arising from this study is whether English continues to be regarded as a subject with a mission in higher education ; and whether the view of academics differs from that of students .
5 And of his views in the 1840s he wrote : " We were now much less democrats than I had been , because so long as education continues to be so wretchedly imperfect , we dreaded the ignorance and especially the selfishness and brutality of the mass … " ( p. 138 )
6 The arts now hold the position once held by religion ; as long as science continues to be highly valued , then the arts will inevitably be devalued .
7 But as long as tobacco continues to be readily available there is never going to be an easy answer . ’
8 As heat continues to be produced in the core , so air in the loft flows down these flues , drawn by the coolness of the cellar beneath .
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