Example sentences of "[v-ing] that he have found " in BNC.

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1 Even now he could n't stop himself from making a comic routine out of it : looking at his fingers , his face screwed up in disgust , pretending that he 'd found something unspeakably revolting in the depths of his pocket .
2 Malcolm Toon , a special US envoy inquiring into US prisoners of war still held in the former Soviet Union , was quoted on July 1 as saying that he had found no evidence to substantiate the claims made by Russian President Boris Yeltsin in June [ see p. 38986 ] .
3 Toon had been quoted in July as saying that he had found no evidence to substantiate claims that US POWs were still being held in the former Soviet Union [ see p. 39031 ] .
4 Murgatroyd wanted to change the basis of the launch at the last moment : he had the idea of claiming that he had found instructions for making the snacks in a recipe book compiled by his great-grandmother .
5 He met both Shamir and Levy , reportedly stressing that he had found evidence of " new thinking " in Cairo and Riyadh .
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