Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [adv] difficult [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Most modern machines have maximum launching speeds of 70 knots or so , making it relatively difficult and unusual for the launch to overspeed .
2 It is , in the words of the Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , 1966 , para. 127 , " to combat theft by making it more difficult and less profitable to dispose of stolen property " .
3 Move up and left , then continue more or less directly ( making it as difficult as possible ) to reach the large halfway ledge and the start of the real meat .
4 Cries could be heard from the stairs as the policemen tried to make their way up to the landing , the remaining boys making it as difficult as possible for them in the hope that their brother would get away .
5 This organisation happily ploughs a furrow totally at odds with the notion of free trade , by making it as difficult as Possible for non-German companies to sell their wares in Germany without DIN approval — even where EEC law says that the only approval necessary is from the country of origin .
6 Making it as difficult as possible for them to come in by setting up barriers doing things , perhaps a at night , putting like some timer switches in the rooms that you 're likely to be sitting in .
7 After his return to London from Pontardulais , Edward and Helen were finding it more difficult than ever to contain their desire for complete sexual union .
8 And it seemed perfectly natural , given the circumstances , that the child should be named Hope " , though nobody knew whose idea it had been originally … probably not Mrs Wright 's , however , for though in every respect resembling a Madonna , she was finding it more difficult than ever to stay alert .
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