Example sentences of "[v-ing] a [adj] amount [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The graph also gives an economical means of representing a large amount of information in an implicit and flexible format , and provides a record of the input information should further checking become necessary at a later stage .
2 THE security forces have smashed a daring IRA bomb distribution network after uncovering a huge amount of fertiliser — suitable for making explosives — near the scene of the latest UFF murder .
3 At the same time , and keeping a tiny amount of white fondant in reserve for the dice , divide the remaining fondant into four even portions ( about 50g/2oz each ) .
4 Very conscious of her companion , of his height and his easy masculine grace , Luce concentrated on keeping a fair amount of space between them .
5 Reducing this to one fifth still leaves a potential strength of between 2 and 4 per cent of E , which is roughly what is achieved in practice in fibre-glass and is a good deal more than one can reach , keeping a safe amount of toughness , with the metallic ductility mechanism ( Chapter 9 ) .
6 Making its debut and dominating the stand was the brand new First 53f5 , born of a collaboration between naval architect Bruce Farr , and stylist Pininfarina , with Bénéteau themselves contributing a considerable amount of production engineering technology .
7 Grumbold 's will indicates that he accumulated considerable wealth , acquiring a substantial amount of leasehold property in Cambridge .
8 Then later , as his speed and timing improve and after gaining a certain amount of success over his own ranks , he can go a step higher and spar with a student with more experience than himself .
9 ‘ However , we understand we shall be gaining a substantial amount of this from Government grant and the additional burden falling on our own resources will be in the region of £200,000 .
10 It 's been sitting on the forecourt of a garage just outside Ross on Wye for the past few weeks , and is gaining a considerable amount of interest from passers by … but as yet no one is very serious about buying it .
11 I mean Kevin is is helping him and he 's he 's checking a certain amount of his work but obviously he ca n't be there all the time .
12 At the same time others may , through overfunding , be absorbing an unfair amount of scarce resources .
13 A voltage-operated channel ( VOC ) responds to V by gating a small amount of trigger calcium , which then activates the RYR to release stored calcium .
14 Filling a substantial amount of skyline and covering six full squares of the Ordnance Survey map .
15 The $8bn damages which Touche Ross , liquidators of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International , are rumoured to be seeking from Ernst & Young and Price Waterhouse for their role as BCCI 's former auditors , are causing a certain amount of grim humour at Becket House and Southwark Towers .
16 Can I ask therefore why the Eastern Arts of appraisal report of nineteen eighty-six a major appraisal costing a huge amount of Eastern Arts money was not considered and and presented across .
17 An example might be to focus on car number plates and seeing if you can make a word containing all the letters of the plate number , or in a supermarket look out for all items costing a particular amount of money , or in a crowded room noting the number of people with blue eyes .
18 USL is seeking an unstipulated amount of actual and compensatory damages from UC Berkeley as well as legal fees .
19 The research will involve analysing a large amount of already collected statistical , documentary and interview material plus some further collection of historical material from the USA .
20 Husameddin devotes a good deal of space to Molla Fenari 's pilgrimage , making full use of the Arabic sources and adding a certain amount of material of his own .
21 They have too low a melting point and are too unstable , but they can be ‘ stiffened ’ by adding a moderate amount of lime to produce a modest increase in melting temperature .
22 If so omit stages 2 and 3 , except for adding a similar amount of gravel to get the sloping effect .
23 He 's told me he was going to add to my money and he said , oh the bad news is I 'm adding a negative amount of money to it , and he 's taken away .
24 By adding a small amount of liquid soap to the water as you mix , it acquires a better texture , allowing it to be manipulation more easily . ,
25 She decided to use it , adding a generous amount of her favourite scented oil to the water gushing into the bath before lying back and letting the warm water soothe her weariness and tensions away .
26 It was not therefore unexpected that the Thatcher government introduced legislation which reduced the amount of supplementary benefit payable to strikers and which made their trade union responsible for paying a higher amount of strike pay .
27 To get a true feeling for the plan it should also be applied to the Principal because although you have been paying a fixed amount in each month the value of this has also decreased due to inflation .
28 Only when these are done , as Graham points out , should policy attempt to improve attendance by lower socio-economic group mothers through such financial sanctions as withholding or paying a reduced amount in maternity or child benefit to those mothers who do not attend such clinics or attend irregularly .
29 The artist needs to ensure the record company is committed to releasing a certain amount of product each year .
30 When an old issue of bonds is approaching maturity , the Bank of England will probably enter the market to buy them back over a number of weeks or months , rather than waiting to the maturity date and then suddenly releasing a large amount of liquidity into the economy .
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