Example sentences of "[v-ing] more [conj] 10 per " in BNC.

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1 It is a sign of the programme 's success that in the UK in the mid-1980s there were 283,000 Limousin inseminations ( from 40 bulls ) , representing more than 10 per cent of all artificial inseminations .
2 Royal Bank Chief Executive Dr George Mathewson said , ‘ Following hard on the heels of our announcement in April that we had agreed to acquire the Boston Five , this is another encouraging step towards our strategic aim of deriving more than 10 per cent of our earnings from the USA .
3 A League statement later spelt out that ‘ League Regulation 86 quite unequivocally prohibits an individual , a member of his family or any other associate including a nominee from holding more than 10 per cent of the shares in more than one League club ’ .
4 In France , A. M. G. R. Portevin , working with de Dion-Bouton , noted in a report to the Carnegie Foundation ( 1909 ) the corrosion resistance of steels containing more than 10 per cent chromium and subsequently described thermal treatment ( patented May 1911 ) to make them amenable to standard milling processes .
5 The members of the ABI therefore expect that issues involving more than 10 per cent of issued equity share capital , or a discount greater than 5 per cent , will be placed on a basis which leaves existing shareholders with a right to claw back their pro rata share of the issue if they so wish .
6 Between 1979 and 1989 those at the highest decile ( ie those earning more than 90 per cent and less than 10 per cent of the population ) increased their real income by 36.6 per cent whereas those at the lowest decile ( ie those earning more than 10 per cent and less than 90 per cent of the population ) who increased their real income by only 5.7 per cent .
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