Example sentences of "[v-ing] a [noun sg] around the " in BNC.

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1 The enveloping box is also retained , followed by a primary set of silhouettes constructed in each orthogonal direction by automatically driving a chain around the border .
2 And driving a car around the centre is an exercise in frustration at the best of times .
3 A large open wound remained which was dressed by dry lint and the arteries were tied off by passing a ligature around the entire mass of vessels .
4 The latter move prompted the government to retaliate by establishing a blockade around the island and withdrawing all services from the inhabitants .
5 Parallel transporting a vector around the loop ABCDA induces changes which are calculated using eqn ( 6.10 ) .
6 Simply building a wall around the top of the well breaks the cycle .
7 It is a commonplace now to acknowledge the difficulties involved in drawing a boundary around the inner city .
8 Johnny Marr set about moulding a band around the songwriting .
9 Plotting points is done by moving a cursor around the screen with the mouse .
10 Freehand designing or editing of an existing design is done by moving a cursor around the grid with either the arrow keys or a mouse .
11 ‘ It is a tremendous relief for me to be kicking a ball around the old place again .
12 Anyone expecting a baby around the end of April and going to the Sorrento who would like to share the hire of a specialised birthing tank to use in labour ?
13 I did n't see anything except a man tying a rope around the large upper branch of a tree .
14 We 'd enjoy having a boy around the house again , eh , Wix ? ’
15 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
16 In a while we 'll be taking a look around the show , and finding out about a traditional breed of sheep and a very small breed of cattle .
17 We 'll be taking a look around the scene here in a few moments , but first let's see how the people and town of Cheltenham prepares for the biggest invasion of the year .
18 However , it is one thing to scan a computer screen in the catering office : it 's quite another to do stocktaking — typically this involves carrying a notebook around the various larders and coldrooms .
19 The initial pouring had partly cooled before another crucible was added , leaving a crack around the base .
20 Interior Ministry troops , who had come under fire from rooftop snipers , later succeeded in throwing a cordon around the CP headquarters to protect it from further attack , but Moscow radio reports said that by the evening of Feb. 13 the violence had spread from the city centre to numerous locations in the suburbs , and that automatic gunfire could be heard .
21 The Independent of Dec. 2 described the agreement as effectively " throwing a ring-fence around the Community " which would " condemn " eastern Europe to bear the greater burden for taking in victims of the war in former Yugoslavia .
22 As we saw earlier , ITN coverage showed an incident in which one miner took a flying kick at a policeman who was beating a fellow-picket around the head .
23 It is like the mind spinning a cocoon around the I and Thou .
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