Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun sg] of goods " in BNC.

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1 carries on the business of financing the acquisition of goods by others by means of such agreements ; and
2 Chapter 9 will be devoted almost entirely to the general question of how active a role should be ascribed to consumers in understanding the meaning of goods in social relations today , and the nature of goods as material culture .
3 The US House of Representatives on July 10 approved the extension of most favoured nation ( MFN ) trading status to China , but linked its renewal in 1992 to China meeting stringent conditions on improving human rights , ending the export of goods produced in prison labour camps , and strictly controlling the sale of ballistic missiles to the Middle East .
4 In addition , further renewal of MFN status in 1992 was to be dependent on China meeting stringent conditions concerned with ( i ) improving human rights ; ( ii ) ending the export of goods produced in prison labour camps ; and ( iii ) controlling the sale of ballistic missiles to the Middle East .
5 Even cards and tickets used for advertising purposes were under tight control and under the Paper Control Order it was not permissable to display cards directly related to furthering the sale of goods .
6 They were specifically barred from introducing their own import and export restrictions without the consent of other republics , however , and from impeding the transit of goods and financial resources across their territory to or from another republic .
7 Presumably , this will also apply by analogy to other supply scenarios , even though the major statutes regulating the supply of goods ( SOGIT 1973 , CCA 1974 , SGSA 1982 , and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 ) are entirely silent on the matter .
8 So those gentlemen were not only infringing the Sale of Goods Act they were committing a criminal offence as well by infringing the Trade Descriptions Act so they ended up being prosecuted by Trading Standards .
9 Operating with relatively little capital , aided by credit , with a small mark-up in prices but with rapid turnover of capital , these petty commercial middlemen penetrated deep into the village , constantly drawing the rural area into the orbit of cash turnover , increasing the role of the market in the economy of the village , and augmenting the volume of goods available both for domestic and foreign commerce .
10 In addition , Clause 19 gives every individual citizen a new right to seek the protection of the law if he or she is the victim of unlawful industrial action affecting the supply of goods or services to him or her .
11 RTPA 1976 applies both to restrictive agreements affecting the supply of goods and those affecting the supply of services .
12 Three of these are based upon the input-output relationships affecting the production of goods or services in the industry : factors affecting inputs , their conversion into outputs , and saleability .
13 In cases involving the supply of goods ( which is the only case where consumer status makes a difference to the effect of a term in a standard term contract ) the definition is , of course , restricted by the third limb of the definition of " consumer " : the buyer only deals as a consumer if the goods are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
14 NB : It is important that this is taken into account when calculating the cost of goods sold as our experience is that it is often overlooked .
15 If a chancellor is to raise a given sum through a system of indirect taxes , individual choices not to consume taxed items must , if widespread , be countered either by raising rates of tax or by extending the range of goods and services taxed .
16 Find out what the law says about changing the price of goods ( eg , putting two price tickets of different values on one item ) .
17 The danger of an upturn in inflation was highlighted today in figures showing the price of goods leaving the factory gate .
18 However , as late as 1979 a Soviet researcher wrote that no system existed for checking and analysing technical and economic information relating to product quality , and that ‘ present methods of assessing the quality of goods manufactured for export or already delivered to the foreign consumer can not provide an adequate view of how well they are produced ’ ( Gruzinov : 1979 , p. 191 ) .
19 ( 2C ) The term implied by subsection ( 2 ) above does not extend to any matter making the quality of goods unsatisfactory ( a ) which is specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , ( b ) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , which that examination ought to reveal , or ( c ) in the case of a contract for sale by sample , which would have been apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample .
20 The employment objective may be attained , therefore , by increasing the quantity of goods and services produced .
21 These rules can also be deduced by imagining that we try to send extra goods ‘ round the cycle ’ by increasing the flow of goods in edges corresponding to forward variables and reducing it in edges corresponding to reverse variables .
22 Insist though trade unions might that their purpose was not to subvert the market economy but to sell labour at a fair price as a commodity in it , the fact remained that successful trade unionism implied reduced dividends on investment , just as organising the production of goods for sale in Co-operative stores as a function of independent industrial co-operatives implied reduced dividends on purchases from them .
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