Example sentences of "[v-ing] around the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Keith is walking around the pool in his white 501s and his white ‘ Young Marlon ’ T-shirt .
2 What I would say is there are instances that have been happening around the country in the last year , where both doctors , G Ps , and nurses have actually said , you 're not doing that .
3 Even looking around the kitchen in order to make up the shopping lists is a task involving observation , forward thinking and memory .
4 Lissa asked , looking around the room in disbelief .
5 Malekith begins his great period of wandering around the world in search of magical artefacts of elder times .
6 He wore a thick woollen coat all the time , even on the hottest days of summer when he took to wandering around the garden in endless circles .
7 It 's a bit embarrassing to come staggering out of the mist , with a purple face , eyes lost in swollen , battered tissue , gasping for breath , to find people wandering around the path in cardigans and slacks .
8 Particularly in the USA , but also in the UK , we can see the signs of a movement developing around the belief in the value of critical thinking .
9 My lips felt engorged , there was a ringing in my ears , and I could feel the blood pumping around the veins in my head .
10 Mandy demanded as they continued along , strolling around the twist in the path and out into the open stretch of lawn .
11 It will be a real joy for me to begin getting around the diocese in the months ahead .
12 We may see rage in a bucking horse , acute anxiety in a solitary horse galloping up and down a fence , great fear in a horse that cowers and jams its tail down hard between its hind legs , or elation in a pony that has escaped from a yard and is prancing around the paddock in an exuberant high-stepping trot .
13 Thrusting and grinding around the stage in unison with her dancers , she made the message clear — ‘ I 'm no longer safe little Charlene ’ .
14 And later on , as she watched her skinny little husband skulking around the bedroom in his purple-striped pyjamas with a pork-pie hat on his head , she thought how stupid he looked .
15 I was present at Kidderminster on the day that Mark Ilott started charging around the outfield in painful discomfiture .
16 From Andy Pandy to ‘ Lord knows what he 's supposed to be , ’ staff at Putney spent the day collecting around the store in a variety of fancy dress costumes and raised £870 .
17 The five Annamese , grunting with pain continued stumbling and staggering around the circle in grotesque imitation of bounding hares while the next group of victims were thrown down in the dirt .
18 Harvey 's two kids were chasing around the trees in their pyjamas .
19 We disappear into the darkness , where nobody can see that we 're not rolling around the floor in paroxysms of ecstasy .
20 Puppies often tend to see coats as playthings at first , and try to pull them off their backs , rolling around the ground in the process .
21 They seemed to be positioned at random as if the guests had been playing a game with them and not sitting around the table in an orderly fashion .
22 The Muslim Palestinian defenders of Beaufort were ignorant of all this , sitting around the walls in silence when I told them of this historical the old tale of fear , treachery and pain .
23 The body convulsed , flopping around the roof in a series of uncoordinated half-somersaults , leaving a trail of blood like footprints .
24 Everyone thought there 'd be a roar of ribald laughter at that line if Puck happened to be hopping around the stage in plaster at the time . ’
25 Frowning a little , he demanded , ‘ What were you doing , roaming around the back-streets in the dark ? ’
26 In particular , the boys drift into and out of minor delinquencies while hanging around the streets in groups looking for something to do , as the following extract from his study illustrates .
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