Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] couple [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Then the trouble would disappear and Robyn would heave a sigh of relief and smile at her luck , only to find the same thing happening a couple of miles down the road , and always after she 'd passed a garage or a phone box .
2 The Tiller organization lost the Folies booking a couple of years after John 's death but other work was soon offered in Paris by the Paramount cinema group .
3 Eventually a strong urge swept me to do something vandalistic to the apparatus , but I yielded not to temptation and left , returning a couple of hours later to complete my purchases .
4 Unusual position though it is , let me defend Ratner by exploding a couple of myths .
5 He opened a bottle inexpertly , spilt a quantity , but succeeded in filling a couple of glasses .
6 The ice cold water made him gasp , but after swimming a couple of lengths of the plunge , he got out feeling an exhilaration beyond belief .
7 It had a bright plastic deep-fried atmosphere and menu but the alternative as Maxim had pointed out was a long slow dinner at some hotel where they would have made themselves conspicuous by not , repeat not , ordering a couple of bottles of wine .
8 So will you perhaps be wanting a couple of bags , say , of coal to help with the fire ?
9 From scrambled possession at the back of a line-out by Winterbottom , an industrious leader , Pears jinked left and right , adding a couple of half-dummies for good measure .
10 It was that brand of challenge by Darren Peacock in the fifth minute that damaged Shearer 's ankle , though he struggled on before succumbing a couple of minutes after the interval .
11 They seem to have been missing in action , releasing a couple of singles off the last album without providing any back-up tours to promote them .
12 After releasing a couple of singles on their own Hag label in 1989 , they signed for Musidisc the following year and released a debut album in ‘ A Weapon Called The Word ’ , which has since gone on to earn them a silver disc .
13 He kept her waiting a couple of minutes , which raised her suspicions , but when he walked out empty-handed she smiled inwardly at having won at least one small battle between them .
14 The Law Lords are due to review on April 10th the status of the report produced by the DTi inspectors : waiting a couple of weeks would not have been an editorial disaster .
15 My only word of advice would be that it might be worth waiting a couple of months or so , by which time WordPerfect 6 for DOS should be on the market .
16 yeah they 're they 're still waiting a couple of years for them Jane
17 because she does it , she did n't know what was in the garden , cos she had n't been there long enough , now I think that 's silly because I think you 're better waiting a couple of years , seeing what comes up
18 Just imagine if Deano started scoring a couple of goals and the defence tightened up just a fraction more .
19 He reached into the cupboard above the mantelpiece for the gin bottle and after pouring a couple of measures he looked benignly at his brother who was tidying the sitting room .
20 All for the sum of £50 including a setup and ‘ we 're building a couple of guitars for Gary Moore with a push/pull volume pot to provide the Peter Green out of phase sound .
21 We turned down the offer of researching exactly how many men we 'd get to 3,000 feet of urinals , but allowing a couple of feet for each one , 1,500 men would make Wembley the tops for discriminating against women .
22 It was a bit small for the wooden supports at the top of the cabinet but the totter got around that problem by nailing a couple of slats of wood on to the supports to act as a base .
23 You can stand back in practical terms , too — suggesting a couple of hours ' break for people to clear their heads , or that you finish early in order for people to think over proposals and reconvene in the morning .
24 I spent most of the day mooching around Winnipeg , seeing a couple of owners once in a shop selling Eskimo sculptures , but never coming face to face with anyone who might know me .
25 Grabbing a handful of fresh cartridges he began to reload the shotgun , fumbling a couple of times in his new-found haste .
26 Using a couple of minutes for private imperatives was a serious violation of property rights .
27 I mean , I was using a couple of grams a day , so I was still feeling bad withdrawal effects even after that two-month period .
28 The soil is capable of producing a couple of crops before becoming infertile when the mobile homeless move on .
29 ‘ David had been involved with a couple of things in the past , producing a couple of B-sides when I was in Quiver — we actually used his home studio for demos .
30 Erm , I do n't , I do n't know what er people are er afraid of , or frightened of really , j just by sending a couple of delegates from the trades councils that would er voice the concerns of the rank and file , it 's not going to er set any dangerous precedents , and let's , let's not forget that those people would be from recognized trades unions as well .
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