Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] a corner [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But then , ’ she continued like a child reciting a story , ‘ he became secretive and withdrawn and took to meeting in a corner with a sinister-looking fellow . ’
2 I tried to , er , I told I got criticised for slowing down too much , going into a corner on my dr driving test , I told Brown which corner it was , he took me round there three or four times to s today on my lesson , yeah , we 'll keep doing it till you get it right .
3 But Tabitha was squatting in a corner of the ceiling , strapping on her wrist monitor , burrowing furiously into a T-shirt .
4 They found Ewan Beg lying in a corner of the deck , and thought him unconscious , but he was n't .
5 You 've certainly got to have the bottle to keep your foot right down when you are coming into a corner at 200 mph .
6 Occasionally she made rolled-up pancakes , and stuffed omelettes , and steak pies with lovely gravy:I have in my mind 's eye a picture of her , sitting in a corner with some child on her lap , and the usual dreamy expression on her face .
7 I was sitting in a corner with Ann Sheridan , just a few tables away from Bogie and Mayo .
8 Even Mister Johnny was quiet , sitting in a corner of the kitchen , just watching Hepzibah , and Albert was unusually silent .
9 She was sitting in a corner of the drawing-room , nearest the door , when she saw a Miss Hutton coming towards her .
10 He indicates a figure sitting in a corner of the darkened , empty lobby .
11 When they reached the Lion d'Or , the first person they saw was Jack Hammond sitting in a corner of the terrace .
12 Somebody was sitting in a corner of one of the window-seats , behind a curtain .
13 Suddenly , the major noticed General Kopyion sitting in a corner of the room , watching him .
14 Peter also commented that the MIG-15 currently sitting in a corner of TFC 's hangar is only transiting through and will not be flying with TFC .
15 Standing in a corner of the half-landing was an old mirror with chipped edges : a tall narrow sheet of glass that had once been pinned to the inside of a wardrobe door .
16 Matilda and Lavender , standing in a corner of the playground during morning-break on the third day , were approached by a rugged ten-year-old with a boil on her nose , called Hortensia .
17 There had been half a dozen bottles of red wine left standing in a corner of the huge kitchen hearth .
18 While Hank was , in his grandparents ’ opinion , too small to be left alone , the two grandmothers had insisted that he accompany his mother , and he had enjoyed wandering round the Palichuk pig farm with his grandfather or playing in a corner of the lounge of his Grandmother Stych 's more fashionable home .
19 Sammy watched them digging from a corner of the garden .
20 He dragged his gaze away , and shrugged , leaning on a corner of the table , half sitting there .
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