Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] a corner " in BNC.

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1 – I dare say that when I strip the tank down in the future I 'll find a mixed colony lurking somewhere in a corner !
2 Glancing about the big , lofty room , he saw an elderly merchant snoring gently in a corner , hands folded over his well-rounded belly .
3 Annette Chevallier 's recent show of paintings occupied one of the rooms in the gallery spilling out into a corner of the Victorian paintings , while opposite was a touring exhibition of European ceramics .
4 The visitors took an early lead , but Haslemere quickly struck back , Terry Powell heading home from a corner .
5 The Hibs defence , moving out after a corner kick , left Robertson completely clear on the left .
6 I mean , if you 're sitting in a pub at night and some guys are showing off in a corner going ‘ Hey , what do you do , dude ’ and you go ‘ Well , I 'm a bobsleigher , actually ’ it tends to shut people up I should imagine , does n't it ?
7 There she was , sitting forlornly in a corner and , unlike all the other dogs , making no noise , just gazing at the floor in a philosophical way .
8 After one outbreak of shoving and stage-diving they even say , with tongues steadfastly in their cheeks : ‘ Be cool , the British press are here tonight ’ ( no doubt having spotted the slowly melting figure of Sirrs , trickling away into a corner ) .
9 A detective constable was working away in a corner .
10 Another right on the jaw had Herol collapsing back in a corner .
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