Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the [adj] body " in BNC.

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1 In part he is swayed by fear of his fate at the hands of the enraged seamen : in part he is driven by an awakening of conscience as painful as the circulation returning to the frozen body of Thomas Fox when he is brought down from the masthead .
2 Growing male rats weighing mean ( SEM ) 114 ( 2 ) g , were divided into four equal groups of six animals according to the average body weight .
3 The tail is suffused with a yellow ochre colouring , and the scale patterning on the upper body is ornamental .
4 The plaintiffs made an application for an interlocutory injunction to restrain the defendant from disclosing to the regulatory body or to the revenue its confidential information or documents .
5 He was bleeding from the lower body and moaning . ’
6 Shivering with the intense cold , Ho and Jack stood staring into the transparent body of the Kershaw Worm .
7 Twenty feet away , Sonny sat against the wall of the piggery , paralysed with fear , staring at the writhing body of his brother with open-mouthed horror .
8 There were no variations of fading between the main body of the photograph and the edges , as there would have been had it been in the frame for years .
9 Varieties and eventually species would be formed despite any tendency for interbreeding with the main body of the population in the centre .
10 These substances are called Navapasham and relate to substances existing in the human body , in the earth and throughout nature .
11 The beliefs and practices of witchcraft , with an emphasis on the cycles and hidden aspects of nature , the special significance of places , and the generation by such means as dancing of the ‘ cone of power ’ within a magic circle from the energy residing within the human body , tie in very well with the insights obtained through Earth Mysteries research .
12 I went into the cabin and saw a huge shape standing over the dead body .
13 He opened its eyes , and standing astride the small body , he clasped it between his rough hands and pulled it up .
14 In provincial towns we noticed the relatively small numbers of £3 — £9 assessments , corresponding to the main body of husbandmen in villages ; similarly in London there was a shortage of £10 — £39 assessments , even of the £40. — £99 ones , which in other , smaller towns would have belonged to local merchants and leading master craftsmen .
15 Corbett was tired , depressed : the passing sights caught his eye : a dog , one leg shorter than the rest , sniffing at the bloated body of a rat : a cat running by , his mouth stuffed with baby mice , a beggar , white-eyed and sore-ridden , shrieking at young boys who were pissing over him .
16 The reason is that it has muscles which work to resist gravity and other physical forces bearing upon the whole body .
17 By then he was breathing so strongly and normally that she was able to extend her consciousness to details , every one of which was stunningly unexpected and astonishing , even the flickering yellow eye of the torch still beaming upon the recumbent body .
18 He stood beneath the apothecary 's sign , dagger still drawn ; two cats raced by , screeching and squabbling over the half-gnawed body of a rat .
19 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
20 The Sergeant was kneeling by the sprawled body of the fourth man present .
21 This requires bravery — to go against the ‘ safety first ’ approach — but , paradoxically , it is possible under LMS , and working with the governing body , to structure schools and their management in ways very different from anything that would have been possible before .
22 This is obviously correct if you are working from the actual body measurements , but it is of no use when you want to enter measurements taken from a diagram where only an armhole depth measurement is given .
23 The engineer suffered fatal head injuries while working in the welded body section of the Honda plant in Swindon .
24 He 'd been working in the welded body section at the time .
25 He was soon overpowered with either sleep or cold , when his faithful defendant , who had closely attended to every step , scratched away the snow so as to throw up a sort of protecting wall around his helpless master ; then mounting upon the exposed body , rolled himself round and lay upon his master 's bosom , for which his shaggy coat proved a most seasonable covering and eventual protection during the dreadful severity of the night , the snow falling all the time .
26 Next , lift your hands several centimetres above your partner 's body and continue with the same sweeping movements , though this time you will be working on the etheric body .
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