Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [prep] [adj] form " in BNC.

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1 Respectable England did not have the stomach for such a drastic curtailment of civil liberties , however , and although fearful of how to absorb the most noxious criminal elements back into society without the option of packing them off to the colonies , the deliberations of the mid-1850s bogged down in suggestions for more effective surveillance of ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ men , together with some wishful thinking about reviving transportation in some form or another .
2 A fantastic Adam period mahogany serving table of serpentine form .
3 Like the pie chart ( see page 149 ) , the line graph is a way of presenting figures in visual form .
4 For this reason , this chapter also includes full-scale models of monsters and other odd creatures ; at the level of design there is often no difference at all , though there may well be when it comes to turning design into physical form .
5 Be sure , though , that you do n't use this just because a need to control and not to appear vulnerable prevents you accepting criticism in any form .
6 Thought yesterday of including hounds in some form or other : Melampus , Ichnobates , Pamphagus , Dorceus , Oribasos , Nobrophonos , Theron , Laelaps , Prerelas , Agre .
7 Particularly worrisome were the fruit drinks , which projected a wholesome image while containing sugar in some form or another .
8 Johnny Boy , according to some reports , was seething resentment in bodily form .
9 That , Mr Haskins believes , will depress prices of these products , while liquid milk should be relatively unaffected , given the difficulties of importing milk in this form .
10 In Chronic Diseases we are told that when giving remedies in solid form i.e. solid form i.e. granules or powders dry on the tongue , Hahnemann found that remedies prepared with more than two shakes were too strong so stayed with two strokes for consistency ; but during the last years since I have been giving every dose of medicine in a solution , divided over fifteen , twenty or thirty days and even more , no potentizing in an attenuating vial is found too strong , and again I use ten strokes . ’
11 For one thing , it is not at all clear that in offering the facility of doing business in corporate form the state is performing a service materially different from the service it provides in making available and enforcing the rules of contract , which supports no such argument .
12 Tax avoidance is legal ; tax evasion is illegal — involving concealment in one form or another , and therefore fraud .
13 Gladstone saw most political questions as involving morality in some form or another .
14 Capturing data is called digitizing ; it is the process of converting information to numerical form .
15 Diagrams and Tables Reorganising information in diagrammatic form has strong advantages and disadvantages .
16 Now we have a situation where Monotype , Compugraphic and AM Varityper have joined the club , together with Autologic and Scangraphic , while Apple , Bitstream , Compugraphic , Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are all rapidly producing alternative mechanisms for storing type in digital form .
17 It has been suggested by proponents of the theory of the " flexible firm " that organisations making use of one form of flexible labour are also likely to make use of other forms of it ( see , for example , Atkinson , 1984 ) .
18 Most desert animals reduce water loss by finding shade in some form or other .
19 I am not denying its great importance , as a means of evaluating evidence , developing critical arguments , and organising ideas in rational form .
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