Example sentences of "[num] thousand [noun] were [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In 1989 , 151 thousand divorces were granted to couples in England and Wales , a rate of 12.7 per thousand marriages .
2 Videos worth around forty thousand pounds were seized from a mobile home rental business and a number of vehicles .
3 Import figures for radio sets showed that the audience was growing very rapidly : during 1954 and 1955 forty thousand sets were imported .
4 More than forty thousand people were moved from the old city centre to make way for the new buildings , but even though stereotyped blocks of flats were put up around the site of the palace and were in many cases completed by the spring of 1988 , they remained empty until after the revolution .
5 In nineteen ninety one , six thousand workplaces were found to be underpaying one or more workers .
6 Three thousand members were added in a year .
7 For the previous ten months London and provincial cities had been bombed night after night ( on 10 May , three thousand Londoners were killed in the raids ) ; although the worst of the blitz was now over , no one knew it then , and at this perilous juncture in the war Eliot had been anxiously writing against time .
8 More than three thousand bottles were sold , including ( 772 ) seven hundred and seventy-two magnums .
9 THREE thousand Moslems were massacred in two Bosnian concentration camps , US officials revealed yesterday .
10 Sales continued to rise , its price being held down so that by 1953 , fifty thousand copies were sold each month .
11 An armada of small private boats and a flotilla of naval vessels sailed to the rescue ; more than three hundred and fifty thousand men were saved , men who were able to return to the battle against Hitler 's armies in Europe and Africa .
12 Bowlby 's report was abridged and published as a paperback ( 1953 ) , thus becoming widely available to the lay public ; in the year of publication and the five years following , more than seventy-five thousand copies were sold , and nearly as many in the next five years : an exceptional sale in Britain for a book not intended as a baby book for parents .
13 Cash , postal orders and documents worth more eight thousand pounds were stolen .
14 Eight thousand miners were known to be in Yanomami territory in 1989 , when they constructed a hundred airstrips to ferry in fuel , food and mining equipment .
15 erm first of all we have had a post-War baby boom , a small one , and then a big one in the late fifties to the late seventies , peaking in nineteen sixty four , when in nineteen sixty four — I forget the figure — about nine hundred and sixty thousand babies were born in Great Britain .
16 To exacerbate the situation , eighty thousand places were cut from employment training .
17 Yesterday , ten thousand children were killed .
18 Ten thousand marks were sought from King John as a subsidy for the Holy Land .
19 Ten thousand people were taken up for a guinea a ride of a few moments .
20 Fifteen thousand people were murdered in South Africa last year .
21 And this erm this was er announced over telly last night five thousand Brits were urged yesterday to leave Libya
22 In the space of two days in mid August five thousand people were killed in Calcutta .
23 In September 1968 the executive sanitary officer in his annual report for 1967 said that over one thousand houses were occupied by more than one family and in several cases seven or eight families occupied what was originally a single dwelling .
24 One thousand people were polled , either by telephone or in person , between 7pm on Friday and 3pm yesterday
25 From January to May this year twenty one thousand applications were received .
26 A member of the Royal Family and twenty thousand people were assembled less than half a mile away down wind .
27 Several hundred thousand soldiers were deployed at ballot stations around the country , but less than half the eligible voters turned out .
28 In 1899 , during the short Lent season , four hundred thousand oysters were lifted by eight boats .
29 Just over two hundred thousand vehicles were sold in the first six months of this year , a rise of thirteen per cent on the year before .
30 Last year in Seoul diocese alone , more than one hundred thousand converts were received into the Church .
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