Example sentences of "[num] thing that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One thing that I had grasped about the whole business was that we were going to live in a country area where there would be lots of wildlife , and I had heard of King Arthur , of course .
2 One thing that I had to say , frankly , at the beginning of my book on allegory was that The Tempest was not the necessary base of that book .
3 One thing that I had to say , frankly , at the beginning of my book on allegory , was that The Tempest was not the necessary base of that book .
4 Now are aware that are losing the agency stuff therefore services should improve generally but this is mostly and the business travel , you know duty travel , cruise positioning that sort of thing , to the extent that erm and two of the ops people paid a visit to last week for a liaison meeting and one thing that I thought was absolutely remarkable that came out was in respect of complaining that they could never get through to anybody in erm in , they could n't get a reply from the extensions and they could n't send messages or anything .
5 erm , the one thing that I thought was under person who is who is talking he 's got ta be I think he 's got ta be firm so that the person understands that erm that what is required but he 's also got ta be fair at the same time has n't he ?
6 From the time that my colleagues in the House of Commons did me the honour of electing me to be their leader I have felt that I was in the position of a trustee ; and even throughout the war the one thing that I have aimed at constantly has been to preserve .
7 Now there 's one thing that I have to alert us all to the rest may not have been important , perhaps only to some of the larger churches but groups are advised and churches are advised to make sure that in buildings that are used ah , for many different groups that young children under the age of eight do not come into contact with any casual people who may be using that building .
8 One thing that I think we have to be very careful about , if we did legalize cannabis there would be a proportion of adolescents who would get a great kick out of it , but there would those who do n't get the kick because it 's not illegal .
9 Now the one thing that I think is important is that one can not look at the problems of any given society in the world in isolation from the rest of the world as a whole , and in particular , in the case of underdeveloped countries , their problems are very much linked to the situations that take place in the developed countries .
10 But I just got one thing that I want , that they gon na send me owt dodgy like a loan shark bloke or owt like that , I mean you , you 're bound to be a bit nervous , you know .
11 Now I , they could , erm one thing that I found b b b b picked up from doing my own reading and studying was that it 's always good to go through with the customer step by step which is to a certain extent what we do do
12 One thing that I did tell her was that if I ever got arrested she would not be involved .
13 One thing that I do try to do before writing an article , is to find out the availability of the particular fish .
14 ‘ When you jumped on my dick/That 's the one thing that I do n't play/The jock-strap was too big for you anyway . ’
15 The one thing that I do want to talk about here , however , in some detail because it 's important , is how Freud thinks that this matters to an analysis of modern feelings and attitude to incest .
16 On the first foundation course that people do in this company , the one thing that I do , is I give them a map of the United Kingdom , and it 's got thirty dots on it .
17 No oh more sadness there 's one thing that I do n't I searched the whole world for someone like you .
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