Example sentences of "[num] [prep] mile [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They came from the edge of the desert , between Muscat and Salalah in Oman , hundreds of miles to the south .
2 Under his feet a little floating clump of Um Suf , Mother of Wool , papyrus reed , torn loose from its moorings hundreds of miles to the south , nestled along the bank and came to rest against the shoal .
3 For the more serious cases , there was air transport direct to base hospital , possibly hundreds of miles to the rear .
4 The pair are to leave their families at their Wirral homes and motor hundreds of miles in a race to bring back the first bottles of Beaujolais to Liverpool .
5 The idea of a small group of men setting off into the desert to travel hundreds of miles behind the enemy lines was not such a hare-brained scheme as might be thought .
6 Sceptics doubt , however , whether this scenic region hundreds of miles from a major city can sustain a sprawling 13.5-acre showcase for Minimal , Pop , and Conceptual art .
7 The nuclear accident at Chernobyl affected this country even though we are hundreds of miles from the reactor .
8 She is relying of the Foreign Office in Bombay for information , but that 's hundreds of miles from the trial venue in the state of Goa .
9 However , the 6095 plus miles of the British coastline are not always similarly blessed ; the most obvious exceptions are the glorious and sandy shores favoured by bathers and sun worshippers .
10 The labour camps , temperatures of 50 degrees below zero , a lifetime condemned to stare out over thousands of miles of the bleak , barren permafrost , where blindness eventually came as a minor blessing .
11 The trade winds blowing across thousands of miles of the Atlantic ocean providing perfect air-conditioning ? ’
12 His leader 's menace and awe was able to transmit itself thousands of miles over a telephone line , such was his presence .
13 The sliding plate brought forth a series of terranes from thousands of miles to the south .
14 Rose of Lima wrote no spiritual works ; influenced , in her time at least , no worldly powers ; reformed no evil Church authorities ; fought no public battles ; and lived anyway in a Third World country thousands of miles from the centre of things .
15 Gorbachev proposed that ‘ if the USA , which is situated thousands upon thousands of miles from the Mediterranean , withdrew its fleet from there , the Soviet Union would simultaneously do the same ’ .
16 But having travelled thousands of miles in the last three weeks , he experienced a rougher ride on his own doorstep than he had encountered in many a photo opportunity en route .
17 Great credit must be given to this largely self-educated farmer who , often alone , trudged many thousands of miles in the Eastern States , searching for new trees , shrubs , plants and seeds to send to Collinson .
18 Ian Woosnam had to dash thousands of miles around the world to meet up with his team-mates at The Belfry .
19 The Fellowship , organised by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings ( SPAB ) , is a six-month training programme during which the craftsmen travel thousands of miles round the country together , studying traditional methods of repairing historic buildings .
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