Example sentences of "[num] [prep] mile [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In miles per second that 's not so easy , but humans have travelled at perhaps a few tens of miles per second in a spacecraft .
2 It is diverted hundreds of miles along aqueducts to slake the thirst of Los Angeles , Phoenix and Tucson .
3 There is much to see and enjoy in town but you could spend all your time walking through the Tatra National Park where there are hundreds of miles of paths and breathtaking views .
4 Hundreds of miles of telephone cables were laid in France , sometimes by horses , sometimes by men and sometimes by dogs with small drums on their backs .
5 But what are the Humpbacks saying to each other across perhaps hundreds of miles of ocean ?
6 The closures could cause severe damage to hundreds of miles of streams and rivers , the NRA claims .
7 ‘ If you succeed ’ , he went on , ‘ you will have hundreds of miles of country and thousands of men under your orders , and for this it is worth bartering the outward show . ’
8 FARMERS are being urged to seek grants to help restore hundreds of miles of stone walls in North Yorkshire .
9 The GPS system made its public debut in the recent Gulf War when it enabled allied troops to navigate at night across hundreds of miles of desert to within a few metres .
10 Despite the striking natural beauty of the national parkland 's hundreds of miles of beaches , rich in wildlife from crocodiles to hippos , it is an area many white South Africans will no longer visit .
11 Is my right hon. and learned Friend familiar with the automatic warning system of the Great Western railway , which has kept this tunnel and hundreds of miles of railway line safe for years ?
12 There was a paymaster providing ready money to pay natives , and a signals officer controlling the flow of reports back to Australia and the incoming news of airdrops or bombing raids : essential organisation , for even the most independent force needed supplies , and these had to travel over hundreds of miles of mountain tracks before reaching some platoon areas .
13 All contributing organisations receive acknowledgement on their specific vehicle as it travels hundreds of miles between schools , demonstrating commitment to the need for technology based skills for girls as well as boys .
14 It is not simply a question of distance : hundreds of miles in America can be crossed faster than 30 in crowded Japan .
15 ‘ You are in a place hundreds of miles from London with a few paltry soldiers to guard your back .
16 At least the enemy had taken time to bury the soldiers , but what a way to go ; dead and buried in a ditch hundreds of miles from home .
17 My first encounter with contraception happened in a rainy city in the industrial north , hundreds of miles from home , in an unfriendly hotel .
18 Rare species of plants and animals hundreds of miles from Nevada may be threatened .
19 Normally Highlander would endeavour not to remove local community leaders from their home environment in favour of working at Highlander as a residential staff member , and in fact several staff operate within their own communities , several hundreds of miles from Highlander , commuting into the Center when necessary , ( Staff meetings , weekend-workshops etc . )
20 We 're millions of miles from Earth , yet many of the animals and birds are slight variations of long extinct creatures from the home world . ’
21 There the company had undertaken to lay some thousands of miles of pipe line across the permafrost , spreading before it specially constructed polystyrene boards to guard against the disastrous consequences of direct contact with the ice .
22 In freeing themselves from this burden they may need to make their escape into another language or culture , even by establishing geographical distance over thousands of miles of ocean .
23 Is it not time that they devised a positive policy , to ensure that the many thousands of miles of hedgerows that were grubbed up or allowed to go to waste over the years are replaced ?
24 However , is it not the case that , under the present Government , thousands of miles of hedgerows have been lost over the years ?
25 But they are separated by thousands of miles of land , sea — and bureaucratic red tape .
26 But the thing that I reflected on was here we were , into our third bombing year , and the mighty Eighth Air Force had come to our aid over thousands of miles of land and 2,000 miles plus of sea ; and they can come down through the clouds and land almost within sight of the place they were making for , with no navigation aids at all .
27 The colonisation of new land , and its demarcation into private estates , created thousands of miles of boundaries for the first time .
28 All over Europe , camera shutters are clicking as thousands of miles of film are exposed for holiday snaps .
29 Thousands of miles of cable linked the armies of both sides , but reception was often poor and the cables were repeatedly severed by bursting shells .
30 But since it has already written off £5 billion worth of debts and thrown in an extra £1.6 billion ‘ green dowry ’ , that means that the entire industry — with thousands of miles of pipework , reservoirs , leisure land , sewage works and so forth — is being given away for minus £1.4 billion .
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