Example sentences of "[vb base] to [be] associated [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Matrilines and patrilines appear to be associated with differing feeding ecologies and foraging strategies .
2 On the basis of the mammalian fauna , the hominoids appear to be associated with tropical forest , albeit a dry seasonal and probably deciduous forest .
3 Although some differences appear to stem more or less directly from inequalities in wealth and power , others appear to be associated with attitudes and values which can not be related directly to such inequalities ; an example is the preference of British working-class mothers for bottle-feeding rather than breast-feeding their babies .
4 It was also suggested that lower success rates among Access students appear to be associated with higher education courses which have relatively low success rates for all students .
5 These appear to be associated in part at least with the state of the labour market and the demand for women 's labour ( Ermisch 1983 ) .
6 ‘ If you are a high-flier in commerce or industry , the last thing you want to be associated with is the closure of a hospital . ’
7 ‘ I 've heard that I 'm the most unsavoury , unconscionable character that ever existed but people all want to be associated with me and sit with me , ’ he said .
8 ‘ My aim to continue to build up a specialist UK and International Tennis Consultancy and I want to be associated with marketing and promotion in the sport and leisure indoor development areas ’ , he says .
9 People want to be associated with a winning team do n't they ?
10 In constructing our programmes of study we have tried to avoid overlap and to make clear what we consider to be associated with which attainment targets , but some points will inevitably appear more than once .
11 The zones seem to be associated with different moods and eras , post-industrial apocalyptic for the car-park , medieval for the kitchens , belle epoque for the dining-room , and high-tech for the lavatories .
12 Differences in site factors suggest that warmer soil temperatures seem to be associated with the more rapid death of roots at the southern site .
13 Almost half of the reported cases seem to be associated with menstruation , but other associations include surgical incisions , burns , nasal packing , abscesses , a postinfluenza syndrome , and parturition .
14 These findings , she claims , parallel her own amongst the Wolof : ‘ Thus the absence of self consciousness and the resulting presence of an ego-centrically unified perspective seem to be associated with an inability to shift perspective in concept formation problems ’ ( ibid . ) .
15 If I were to write of Milton Friedman : ‘ the absence of self-consciousness and the resulting presence of an egocentrically unified perspective seem to be associated with an inability to shift perspective in concept formation problems ’ , I do not suppose that many psychologists would accept such an application of the language of psychology .
16 The difference can not simply be dismissed as a question of personality , since certain patterns of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction seem to be associated with particular kinds of jobs .
17 The objects come in various shapes and usually , though not always , seem to be associated with nearby star .
18 Finally , it is worth dwelling briefly on the role that users play in the innovation process , and on the factors which seem to be associated with successful innovation , since these are considerations which help to determine whether joint R&D activities need to be coupled with joint marketing to be successful .
19 Thus high values of B seem to be associated with unusual situations and drivers going relatively slowly ( i.e. in these cases subjects are more likely to say ‘ No ’ than ‘ Yes ’ when they are in fact unsure whether they saw the film previously ) .
20 Indeed many of the disagreements of the following years seem to be associated with cities which had once been held by Charibert , and this was to hold true even after the murder of Sigibert , since lands which he had acquired in 567 became bones of contention between his son , Childebert II , and Guntram .
21 Or does a difficult birth seem to be associated with schizophrenia because it causes the mother to feel overprotective or guilty towards the child who started life so badly ?
22 High-fibre diets tend to be associated with lower postprandial insulin concentrations than low-fibre diets ( Jenkins et al , 1977 ) .
23 These resources tend to be associated with each other , further compounding their uneven distribution .
24 However , these two activites tend to be associated with addictions and personality difficulties in the patient and to require them to give up these things can often be counterproductive , since compliance may well bring on a withdrawal syndrome , and failure can lead to anxiety and guilt .
25 So there are three factors which may stop women getting as good value from credit as men : less awareness of credit costs , and of their rights ; credit-worthiness indicators ( such as employment and housing status ) which tend to be associated with unreliable payers and to be more common with women than with men ; and perhaps occasional outright discrimination .
26 This interpretation squares up with the survey 's finding that people were most likely to apply the critical comment ‘ you feel you 'd never finish paying ’ to the two types of credit which , though not in themselves necessitating long repayment schedules , tend to be associated with the larger loans which would impose long schedules on a ‘ rationed ’ consumer .
27 They also tend to be associated with more specific therapeutic practices , derived from the tenets of the particular psychological theory ; for example , psychoanalytic theories are associated with various forms of psychotherapy , and behaviourist-type theories are associated with different versions of conditioning .
28 Sanctioning strategies in fact generally tend to be associated with incidents of deviance .
29 These areas tended to be socially deprived , with more unemployment , more manual workers , etc. , i.e. those characteristics that tend to be associated with a high offender rate .
30 Grand Metropolitan and Rank , for instance , have wide ranging manufacturing and property interests , though the others tend to be associated with at least the provision of leisure-based products in their diversified activities .
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