Example sentences of "[vb base] [Wh adv] [pers pn] want [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I say ‘ music ’ and not ‘ pop music ’ because ‘ pop music ’ is what you say when you want to suggest that songs with tunes and so forth are somehow inferior to the tortured crap that most rock bands put out .
2 The suggestion that er we should join this er , I mean first of all I think that 's if they would allow us to join it , and obviously we realise why they want to join this , rather to the Archbishop of Canterbury saying he would like to join er sit in his cabinet and , and , this , this that sort of level of discussion .
3 We are not daft , we know how we want to live , we only needed an opportunity like this to get our ideas and solutions on the drawing board in a way that enabled these people to understand that we have our own form of expertise . ’
4 and I thought well we 're a ha a healthy family I said you never know when you want help so I said but I 've got twenty p here , I 'll have one ticket he said well my dear that one ticket come out can come out !
5 You know when I want to turn a corner I 've got to stand on my toes and put my full weight on it to turn it .
6 They know where they want to go , and what they are willing to do .
7 With a problem we know where we want to end up .
8 We recommend contacting Cedok once you know where you want to go as they can arrange package holidays as well as provide a great deal of information for the independent traveller .
9 Remember , you are your own person and it 's up to you to take care of your health and decide how you want to look .
10 Decide why you want to cooperate
11 They ask where you want to go , and you say Anywhere .
12 It is difficult to explain to those you love why you want to go on doing the same thing … the easy thing is to avoid looking at reality , to run away from it .
13 WHAT do arts documentary-makers do when they want to profile someone who prefers not to appear on camera ?
14 You see when you want to get home I charge more .
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