Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] [conj] talk [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When did you last sit down and talk about priorities for your own relationship ?
2 Some prefer to have a regular time when they purposely sit down and talk about themselves , their feelings and their hurts .
3 Why not have the group sit down and talk about the strategy issues ?
4 ‘ If we have any problems we all sit down and talk about it till they are sorted .
5 ‘ If we have any problems we all sit down and talk about it till they are sorted .
6 ( Task 16 ) is a more avoidable request than ‘ Sit down and talk to me ’ .
7 If I sit down and talk to I 've said this and I 'll say it I 've said it ad nauseam .
8 The Japanese , champions of new product development , spend far less than the British on hiring market researchers , relying instead on information obtained by their own managers who get out and talk to dealers and customers .
9 I , I , would it be , would it be erm , wrong of me to ask you say , grant up to five hundred pounds , and I go in and talk to him , so we come back with a council , with a scheme .
10 The last couple of months it 's been dragging : you feel ‘ I wish I could talk to somebody ’ … not knowing anybody else you tend to get this feeling that unless you go out and talk to someone you 'll go stark raving mad …
11 The last couple of months it 's been dragging : you feel ‘ I wish I could talk to somebody ’ … not knowing anybody else you tend to get this feeling that unless you go out and talk to someone you 'll go stark raving mad .
12 Well we know , from talking to some of the school teachers involved , they go back and the kids go back and talk to the other kids in the form .
13 Go round and talk to the various people you know that are interested and say to them ‘ Look , I 'm planning to try and do this work , but I do n't just want to do this on my own , I want to take into account other people 's views . ’
14 And I say to them ‘ Look , do n't start planning this whole thing on your own from the beginning , go round and talk to the various people you know that are interested and say to them ‘ Look , I 'm planning to try and do this work , or we agreed at such and such a meeting that I would do this work , but I do n't just want to do this on my own , I want to take into account other people 's views .
15 yeah and it 's a public relations exercise , and we 've been lumbered with it you know over the years we 've tried to push crime prevention and people come in and they do take notes of various things you know there 's obviously some people who come in and talk about crime prevention which we can answer fully , there are other enquiries about everything from bloody
16 Yes , we had the Labour candidate knocking on our door yesterday and I think John must of been in a right foul mood , cos he he says come in and talk to me
17 If you 'd like us to move on , come out and talk to us properly . ’
18 ‘ Go and have the mammogram and then come back and talk to me . ’
19 With petit mal , the small fit , it used to called vaguely , you could talk to somebody and then go on nattering away and then suddenly the person would switch off and then just stare and then after a while they come back and talk to you and it 's , they pick up exactly where they 've left off , so as I say it used to be called day dreaming , now that 's the low end of the scale , now we go to the other end of the scale and remember please that there 's no set type for an epileptic , anybody , anywhere , any age at any time can have an epileptic fit , you do n't have to be that type , do n't .
20 Turn your back they 're talking to you say they 've been nasty and then they come back and talk to you .
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