Example sentences of "[det] degree of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In practice however the complexity of language is such that no generative grammar has come anywhere near providing this degree of coverage of the language .
2 The average adult is taken to understand text written at eight to ten grade level , and popular newspapers and magazines are written with this degree of readability in mind .
3 To allow for this degree of participation by wives the buildings were designed to make manual work easy or unnecessary .
4 In imputing this degree of credulity to people who live far away in foreign cultures , is the anthropologist liable to be careless in the way he asks his questions ?
5 There would , therefore be this degree of uncertainty At about the actual time at which the radiation was released .
6 At first sight this degree of fluidity in the Japanese labour market sits uneasily with the presumption that employment is for life because this would make wages a quasi-fixed cost .
7 Given this degree of disenchantment with the classical system , teachers of the law of contract must recognize that the organizing principles are shifting .
8 Given this degree of ambiguity in the chronological indicators , it certainly can not be regarded as out of the question that Oswiu died and Ecgfrith became king in the early months of 671 .
9 as a general erm guideline chairman , the Greater York study area has a some degree of consistency with the outer boundary erm of the York greenbelt which is generally around about six miles erm from the Greater York er er from from the City Centre .
10 His system achieved some degree of popularity within entomology , which was in a flourishing state at the time .
11 The small businessman may not think of himself as being in the same league as the Maxwells and Murdochs of this world but if he produces leaflets , price lists , brochures or any other form of printed material , he has some degree of affinity with them .
12 It would be unreasonable to expect easy co-operative motion along the entire polymer chain , but as there is normally some degree of flexibility in the chain , local segmental motion can take place more readily .
13 A restrictive interpretation was given to this expression in R & B Customs Brokers Ltd v UDT Finance Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 847 where the Court of Appeal held that a purchase is only in the course of business if ( a ) it is integral to the business or ( b ) there is some degree of regularity of similar transactions ( see also Peter Symons & Co v Cook ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 758 ; Rasbora Ltd v JCL Marine Ltd [ 1977 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 645 ) .
14 Since crime , however it is defined in any particular society , always involves some degree of restraint on individual self-interest , our natural tendency is always towards deviation : we will , it seems , always choose the deviant alternative when it suits us and when we think we can get away with it .
15 However , on this particular day , since his idolised Giants were not taking part there was some degree of restraint in Uncle Mick 's spectatorial behaviour .
16 Throughout Man 's long association with the Horse , the most successful horsemen have been those who have used some degree of knowledge of psychology or understanding of the horse , rather than trying to dominate the horse with force .
17 It was in some degree of difficulty in 1793 , 1796 – 7 , 1800 – 1 , 1808 , and 1811 – 12 .
18 Stateless societies are for the most part small tribal societies , without any complex division of labour and economically poor , but some features of their political systems may perhaps also be found in other types of society , especially in village communities such as those of medieval Germany , or of India ( where they were once described as ‘ little republics ’ ) , although in these instances there is already some degree of subordination to a state , however remote , and some element of stratification and inequality of power in the local community itself .
19 The debate has also failed to question the way that union education is organised , particularly where ‘ service organisations ’ with some degree of independence from the unions and from the state are concerned .
20 In the countryside the timing of feasts , festivals , fairs and wakes was determined largely by the farming calendar and there was a degree of integration between the rhythms of work and those of leisure , leading Thompson to suggest some degree of anachronism in the use by historians of the word " leisure " .
21 Indeed , there has already been some degree of rationalisation of SROs .
22 With the United Kingdom membership of the European Community , it is to be expected that there should be some degree of harmonization with our European trading partners and recent legislation in the United Kingdom has been influenced by this .
23 I have friends in Holland who are to visit next August and I wished to acquire some degree of proficiency in their language by then . ’
24 The most extreme of these predator species are comparable with the breakage caused by the small mammalian carnivores ( Andrews & Evans , 1983 ) , with some degree of overlap with the carnivores like mongooses and genets that do least amount of damage .
25 The imposition of a small amount of easy work was another popular strategy , particularly in situations where children were offered some degree of choice of activity .
26 It was reported that Samater , the outgoing Prime Minister , was reappointed only after the failure of efforts to bring into the post someone from the Issak tribe , whose appointment could suggest some degree of reconciliation in the civil war .
27 So physically you will be exercising some degree of supervision during the evening will you ?
28 Armed with some or , very rarely , all of the above resources , presidents may achieve some degree of mastery over the American political system .
29 In the first period , as we have seen in Figure 12.2 , there does appear to be some degree of relationship between unemployment and the rate of price inflation .
30 In December 1947 , for example , when they had agreed a memorandum on Area Board organisation , Randall , the London Board chairman , insisted that it should be a purely advisory document not binding on the areas ; and some degree of variation in local organisation did in fact emerge .
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