Example sentences of "[det] cases [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is no simple selection rule for Δν in this case , and in some cases extensive vibrational progressions are found .
2 In some cases curved concentric series of dykes radiate outward and upward from a common magma chamber at depth ; such features are described as cone sheets .
3 In their original formulation these two schools were both more concerned , if not exclusively so , with macro-economic and in some cases social historical development .
4 The parallels between man and baboons include the following : a complex and structured group life , status hierarchies , the formation in some species of long-term polygamous bonds between males and females , the division of societies into reproductive groups and non-reproductive ‘ surplus males ’ , competition between males for access to females , collaboration between males in their various competitions , and in some cases intergenerational male collaboration in the maintenance of breeding units .
5 In many cases complex financial engineering ( structuring ) is needed during primary issuance to provide a package which satisfies the borrowers ' funding needs .
6 We can not know how many cases concerned ordinary people and their marriages , wills and so forth , rather than the ceaseless disputes concerning monastic income and the well-documented cases about elections and jurisdictional powers .
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