Example sentences of "[det] could [adv] be said " in BNC.

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1 This could not be said , however , for any of the gifted children : although many showed talents in various fields and carried these through into adult accomplishments , none achieved the very highest level of creativity seen in Cox 's subjects .
2 That could not be said of the Cuban missile crisis which could be seen as President Kennedy 's determination to uphold the Monroe doctrine .
3 That could not be said of " value " in this case which is essentially a matter of opinion .
4 Nonetheless , having surveyed the yeomanry at length , Smith too reached the point beyond which he possessed little specific knowledge of the people under discussion , unless he felt that there was little that could usefully be said about those who had ‘ neither voice nor authority in the commonwealth , and no account is made of them but onelie to be ruled , not to rule others ’ .
5 One consequence was this : once it was accepted that scripture stood alone outside tradition , and could be interpreted correctly by anyone with a pure heart and God-given rationality , it was not too big a step to suggest that the same could also be said of nature .
6 Again , it 's hard to describe the tones , but imagine this treble pickup as a cross between a Strat and a Les Paul and you 're getting the idea , and the same could probably be said of the front humbucker .
7 Professor Rhys , of Cardiff Business School , points out that the Essex plant is in an area of low unemployment and that the same could not be said of the other big plants .
8 Erica herself was entirely honest , and worked hard for her causes , but the same could not be said of some of her associates .
9 Unfortunately the same could not be said of the bad weather ruling which reared its ugly head too often .
10 The Government 's policy on television in mainland Tanzania could be seen as anti-elitist ; the same could not be said of its policy on the press .
11 The same could not be said of his stenographer , seated in front of him .
12 Whereas a person involved in the American Mafia could say , quite reasonably , ‘ what 's all the fuss about , we only kill each other ’ , the same could not be said in defence of some corporate crimes .
13 If Mosley came to fascism as a result of the failure of the process of British parliamentary politics to create the new society , the same could not be said of others , like Chesterton and Williamson , who had little or no contact with high politics .
14 The food was very good , and when we ended the meal our stomachs were full , but the same could not be said of our wallets unfortunately !
15 The same could not be said of his companion — a tall , ravishing blonde with almond-shaped eyes and legs that went on forever , displayed to stunning effect in a little black figure-hugging dress that ended several inches above her knees .
16 The same could not be said , however , for the men appointed to the economic ministries .
17 The same could not be said for the pre-tournament favourite , Jose Maria Olazabal , who added a 75 to his opening 76 .
18 Guido paused and smiled a crude smile that suggested that the same could never be said about him .
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