Example sentences of "[det] type of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fourth , though the concept of a legal right to decent housing has not been fully accepted by government , local authorities are legally required to provide some type of shelter for most of the homeless .
2 They are very aware that the problems of the coal industry combined with the clash between government policy and the policies of the TUC ensured that there would have to be some type of conflict in 1926 .
3 Such a view helped trade union leaders to think in terms of coming to some type of arrangement with industrialists who were feeling the pinch of economic policy .
4 If you look at the particles inside the nucleus you have a proton , which is a positively charged particle , and it 's about two thousand times more massive than an electron , and you have also have another type of particle in there called a neutron , and a neutron is to all practical intents and purposes it 's just like a proton except that it has no charge , and so the whole mass of the atom is actually concentrated inside the nucleus .
5 Dr Julia Thomason , a leading exponent of critical and creative thinking at Appalachian State University , North Carolina , says students are likely to react to this type of problem in one of four different ways :
6 ‘ There is quite a lot of local demand for this type of building to be available to buy .
7 There are very few remains of this type of building in Roman cities , particularly in Rome itself .
8 I had two people working for me then , and basically what we did for two years was to do this type of work on unbelievable amounts of equipment .
9 Include this type of work on your CV .
10 Some types of assessment , particularly practical and oral , would , therefore , be an introduction to this type of work for the schools .
11 No other country in such a small area possesses as rich a heritage of this type of work from such an early date .
12 We intend to form a new consortium to continue this type of work in a bid to the EC under ESPRIT 111 .
13 Neuberg ( 1989 ) is an author who has recently considered this type of work in detail .
14 For example , hydrodynamic stability is now one of the more highly developed theoretical branches of the subject but the need for this type of treatment of the equations of motion would not have been apparent without experimental observations of instabilities .
15 Probably the best example of this type of approach to the study of the mass media is the Langs ' classic study of MacArthur Day in Chicago in 1952 .
16 This type of approach to the analysis of discourse is based on the principle that , if we can identify the boundaries of units — where one unit ends and another begins then we need not have a priori specifications for the content of such units .
17 Now , it is possible to force-fit this type of approach into your kind of work .
18 The short-term need is to deal with the roots of the doubt — in this case a matter of incompleteness of the picture of God — while the long-term need is to train a habit of faith which will close the door to this type of doubt in the future .
19 But Tory leader on the council , Reg Hales , said : ‘ I can see no reason for spending this type of money on a problem that does not exist in Birmingham . ' ’
20 A committee may be referred to in this type of instance as a plural executive .
21 So much knowledge and maturity is required to make this type of choice from a properly informed base .
22 Erm , the scheme itself is one which is very much in mind with er , various policies that you 've had put in front of you , in terms of er , provision er , for this type of scheme for people with learning disabilities .
23 The study will examine the following issues : what types of coalition exist and how they vary both within and between the companies ; how the hybrid organisation links to the wider ‘ host ’ public sector establishment ; how companies monitor , assess and modify this type of linkage in both the short and long term ; how the companies regard these concentrated coalitions compared with multiparty , less directive schemes ; why sector equivalent companies have failed to initiate this type of linkage in the UK .
24 The study will examine the following issues : what types of coalition exist and how they vary both within and between the companies ; how the hybrid organisation links to the wider ‘ host ’ public sector establishment ; how companies monitor , assess and modify this type of linkage in both the short and long term ; how the companies regard these concentrated coalitions compared with multiparty , less directive schemes ; why sector equivalent companies have failed to initiate this type of linkage in the UK .
25 In addition four comparable British-based companies that do not engage in this type of linkage in the UK have also agreed to collaborate .
26 The lesson of this period is that this type of legislation by itself , even when backed by executive exhortation , is insufficient to change sentencing outcomes ; and that unless sentencing discretion is restricted there is little hope of modifying sentencers ' own objectives in the pursuit of policy goals favoured by the executive ( Sabol , 1990 ) .
27 In this case , we feel that the regulation would be difficult to enforce , because of the relatively intimate circumstances in which such transactions are made : successful enforcement would depend a lot on alerting users of this type of credit to the disadvantages of following-on and the ways in which regulation could help .
28 The effects of drugs , lesions and other manipulations can readily be tested in this type of equipment by a study of their effect on the speed and directness with which the rat can find the hidden shelf .
29 The problem is to distinguish this type of rejection of psychoanalytic propositions — the result of the feelings aroused in people by uncomfortable material — from what might be called genuine objections of a kind which are reasoned and scientific .
30 It would be surprising to find a great deal of this type of activity in any organization , although it would be sad to see none .
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