Example sentences of "[det] people in the room " in BNC.

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1 Right , so the interesting thing from , we 've got a lot of experience there , we 've got some people in the room who 've got a lot of experience in the industry and in business , is that one of the reasons why we 're looking for parcels , if you like , is because of that .
2 Now some of you , if you 've only been with the company a few months or whatever it was , may not have noticed too much of a change , er , but I 've noticed a bit of a ch , I 've noticed a tremendous change in two and half months , two and a half years , and there 's some people in the room who must have noticed tremendous changes .
3 John 's already stolen my thunder on the straw poll erm that I was going to do but suffice to say that we normally do that at these types of seminars and there 's always a few people in the room who put their hands up and say they 've got more than ten data sources in their organization .
4 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
5 How many people in the room have been introduced to er , Managing your Practice , before you came on the induction course ?
6 There were a dozen or more people in the room , all seated , all staring at his dangling , vulnerable form .
7 There were more people in the room now ; groups of men and women ; most of them young , about his age , stood and talked and drank and laughed .
8 There were several people in the room , Susan saw .
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