Example sentences of "[det] [is] certainly [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is certainly untrue of Brighton , where the high prevalence of HIV-1 infection in homosexual men is similar to that in London .
2 This is certainly cynical about the ill-effects of power , but what it implies is ‘ power exposes ’ , not ‘ power corrupts ’ .
3 Although dragged out at over two hours , this is certainly watchable on a trash level , although it 's essentially an adequately-acted dumb-ass melodrama dressed up with enormous operatic tat .
4 This is certainly correct in commercial cases .
5 In cases where appointment out of court is possible this is certainly preferable from the viewpoint of the debentureholders as a body .
6 This is certainly possible with telescopes , and one amateur in Australia , the Rev. Robert Evans , has more than a dozen discoveries to his credit .
7 They have adapted quickly — two weeks into the course , comments such as ‘ This is certainly different from school ’ suggested a certain bewilderment .
8 Whether anyone in Berlin seriously expected the French government to believe this is certainly open to question in view of the preceding events .
9 This is certainly true of many of the largest oil companies , such as Exxon , Shell and BP .
10 This is certainly true of the two middle-class women who said they liked or did n't mind housework but were dissatisfied with it .
11 This is certainly true of the Hundred Years War , and it is as well to remember that at Crécy , Poitiers , and Agincourt , although the English emerged as victors , on each occasion they were not entering the French kingdom to attempt its conquest , but were actually leaving it , heading for the coast in search of transport to take them back to England , the main aim of the expedition already fulfilled .
12 This is certainly true of lesser men at the royal court .
13 We might therefore advance the hypothesis that the medieval evidence ( unlike the modern dialect evidence for [ h ] -fulness in Norfolk ) is from a relatively high social stratum — this is certainly true of the Paston Letters at the very least — and that [ h ] -loss was current at that level but not amongst the rural population .
14 This is certainly true of the subject groups .
15 Instead she or he could have used material from the question to begin the essay with a generalisation ( see above , Chapter 3 , p. 66 ) , like this : Titles often serve the purpose of focusing attention on a central symbol ; and this is certainly true of " The Captain 's Doll " .
16 It is generally assumed that both texts on British Library Additional MS 23986 are preserved there as fragments of longer originals , and this is certainly true of the Anglo-Norman ballad first written on the roll .
17 This is certainly true of Le papillon ( book 3 ) , in which concerto-style semiquavers depicting the butterfly permeate all three ariettes ( G minor-G major-G minor ) .
18 This is certainly true of JS stores as Sheila Farmer knows .
19 This is certainly true of Mrs Wood and Things Past & Present ; of Scott Anderson and the stamps ; of Arthur Crawford and the plants ; and of those who help at the winter work-parties in the cellars where the books are stored .
20 While this is certainly true for some radicals , both 4-ASA and 5-ASA scavenge hypochlorite and inhibit myeloperoxidase at low concentrations .
21 The central fact to acknowledge about any sort of storage is that there is rarely enough of it , and this is certainly true in the kitchen .
22 This is certainly true in the North-East .
23 This is certainly significant at the 1 per cent level , though we must bear in mind that these expectations are calculated on the basis of a purely random distribution of sites , which may not be quite true in practice .
24 That is certainly true of his book FROM THE MISSOURI WEST ( Aperture , 1980 ) .
25 That is certainly true in my case .
26 That is certainly true in the context of telecommunications and , more specifically , in premium rate services .
27 That 's certainly true of the title but that is the only feature of the magazine which remains .
28 Erm , the er , there seems to be kind of latency period when great , innovations in human thought are followed by considerable turbulence and upset , and the figure responsible becomes a kind of er , you know bogey person , that , that , that , that people get , get perhaps that 's certainly true of Darwin , though I think it 's abating now .
29 Well I mean that 's , that 's certainly true of Doreen 's is n't it ?
30 That 's certainly true in Oxford West and Abingdon , where the Lib Dems are hoping to woo the Labour voters they need to take the seat from the Tories .
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