Example sentences of "[det] [subord] [pers pn] 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Are , are you going to ring Martin and see if you can get some if he 's got any more ?
2 Oh you got a few cos she 's got Kevin , he was at home .
3 This is difficult stuff I 'm not gon na spend a lot of time on this because it 's covered on various other courses as well .
4 Er I should say that I 'm only saying this because it 's written in front of me , some churches apparently in York are putting on alternative festivities er I do n't think they 're trying very hard because I have n't heard of any and I certainly do n't move around the place , hear of any .
5 I 'm sorry about Antonio 's behaviour , but he 's always like this when he 's had a couple of drinks . ’
6 This one erm he sort of tried hard and put a lot in , thinks he should get full marks but he 's not going to get very much because he 's missed this , he 's not answering that properly
7 Mind you they have done a bit more to it since Wiggie 's been there in as much as she 's had a big curtain put across
8 Is there anything in the constitution anywhere , cos I happily to go along with that if it 's written in
9 Cos Jack does and all cos he 's got one .
10 but she 's got the biggest problem of all because she 's got ta pick us
11 It may be no time at all before he 's got you in the racket .
12 the other thing we might do is erm is a at the film council and see if he can help us with , I mean it is a film after all whether he 's got er particular contacts
13 A few but not as many as he 's got , not as many as he 's got
14 A few but not as many as he 's got , not as many as he 's got
15 I mean for a it 's a habit , why he walks like that because he 's come home from the Duke so many times pissed in n it ?
16 it 's got more than it 's got more than nu , it 's got more nuts in it
17 I could ask my mother to try to remember more than she 's told me , but it 's a long shot . ’
18 If it was flat on it was the same because he 's got to go right through to the sline before he could get anything you see ?
19 And this is what the , the what 's name now that when it 's opened in nineteen ninety two the communist block will be able to come through Germany this way in .
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