Example sentences of "[vb pp] tears [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He thought he understood now why he had seen tears on her cheeks .
2 That was the only time Patrick had seen tears in her eyes , when the vicar had said a prayer ‘ for those whom we love but see no longer ’ .
3 said down the corridor he walked in his full uniform , the first morning say and that memory son will always stick ya , cos when I give her over that picture of the twins at Christmas , she , she looked up , she sort of looked up at me , she said I 've got tears in my eyes have n't I , and I looked and like I was choked as well and I , she sort of , I said yeah you are and she said , every time I look at them it brings back those memories the first memories of this little boy
4 Many people were said to have had tears in their eyes at hearing the Führer 's voice again .
5 ‘ I 'm a pretty tough sort of bloke — you have to be to run a pub , ’ John said , ‘ but I 've had tears in my eyes today . ’
6 Willie has had tears in his eyes at Trevino 's performances just once , he maintains : when Lee put his ball out-of-bounds at Wentworth after fighting back to catch Nicklaus in a World Matchplay in the 1970s .
7 The punchline actually brought tears to her eyes and caused Isa Peebles to laugh so hard she almost fell off her stool .
8 A fire brigade spokesman said last night : ‘ It 's a serious matter — but it must have brought tears to her eyes . ’
9 So many feelings raced through her as she stood there — admiration , delight and pleasure that almost brought tears to her eyes .
10 That really would have brought tears to my eyes .
11 ‘ It nearly brought tears to my eyes , ’ confessed Dr Phil Gates yesterday in recalling the moment that he had a polythene bag in front of him which contained £250,000 in old notes .
12 He had passed by the very spot only the other day , and it had brought tears to his eyes .
13 The boeuf Gardiane which followed brought tears to our eyes ; we had been overwrought and dropping with fatigue , and while the food we had already eaten had cheered and comforted us , it was n't until the cover was taken off the dish of beef stew and we smelt the wine and the garlic and the rich juices and saw the little black olives and the branches of wild thyme which had scented the stew laid in a little network over the meat , that the tension vanished .
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