Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [prep] future [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was decided that in future the proceeds should be given to some charity , clearly stated beforehand , and this would encourage greater participation .
2 In 1949 it was agreed that in future no person under the age of twenty-one would be allowed to enter .
3 It provided that in future the definition of ‘ deposit ’ in the Act excluded a sum to which a person became entitled , otherwise than by operation of law , after presentation of a winding up petition .
4 Hence also the introduction in 1789 of a very ambitious though shortlived scheme of tax reform which provided that in future the peasant should pay to State and lord combined only 30 per cent of his gross income .
5 We have already pledged that in future no one will wait more than two years for treatment on the NHS .
6 On the former even views from the European Commission were conflicting but the Committee eventually concluded that in future the definition of ‘ specific handicap ’ could be a physical one constraining agriculture but also a protective designation such as SSSI notification .
7 Léger determined that in future the motifs of his paintings would be more closely connected to working people .
8 At the same time it was ordered that in future an annual transcript of events should be sent to the bishop 's office .
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