Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] relate to " in BNC.

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1 Size of establishment would be expected to be related to amount of training undertaken though in practice many libraries ( and not only small libraries ) appeared to undertake both less training and far less systematic training than must be considered ideal given that all staff in any size library will have training needs :
2 We can perhaps include in the category of semantic indicator such cases as the dis — of disappoint , disgust , dismay , etc. , and the im — of impertinent , impudent , etc. , if the former is felt to be related to the dis — of dislike and disapprove , and the latter to the im — of impolite ; the segments — appoint , — gust , — may , — pertinent and — pudent have no discernible semantic function , and do not need a label .
3 You can use the program to create a personal history of problems that are felt to be related to certain substances .
4 The alleged theft is said to be related to Axil 's hiring a Sun engineer who is named in the suit .
5 A system is a set of interacting parts which has meaning as a whole because it is possible to define a purpose — a reason why the parts are seen to be related to the whole and a justification for the concept of the whole ( Singleton , 1974 ) .
6 These are thought to be related to the underlying granite batholith .
7 This feature is thought to be related to the reproductive cycle .
8 you 've got to join the Liberal Party and you 've got to be related to Ian
9 He looked at the crime figures reported by the Merseyside police , where the increase in clear-up rates could be shown to be related to the number of prison visits by police officers .
10 We have already seen that depressive or manic responses may be shown to be related to the problem of the son 's relation to the mother and his contradictory desire to be devoted to her as the ideal mother of hunter-gatherer prehistory and yet to be free of her as the phallic , dominant mother of primal agriculture .
11 However , this long term toxicity of alkylating agents has been shown to be related to the intensity of therapy given and is very unlikely to occur with the low dose needed to treat our patients .
12 He lists ten factors which he believes research has shown to be related to the incidence of depression : life events ; social support ; developmental object loss ; coping skills ; monoamine depletion ; monoamine oxidase level ; borderline hypothyroid function ; impact of puerperium ; alcoholism ; and familial and genetic factors .
13 The examiner specifically looked for complications known to be related to cyclosporin , including tingling and numbness in the extremities , tremor , headache , hirsutism , gingival hyperplasia , and infection .
14 Menstrual disorders have been found to be related to obesity as well as to a predominance of fat in the abdominal region .
15 The heterogeneity in urokinase type plasminogen activator antigen and urokinase type plasminogen activator/tissue type plasminogen activator antigen ratio of the carcinomas , however , was not found to be related to differentiation , inflammation , metastasis formation , and the presence of intestinal metaplasia ( Table II ) , although some minor differences between subgroups were observed .
16 OPCS data record only 35% of deaths from liver disease in Wales as being alcohol related , yet in our district hospital sample 67% proved to be related to alcohol .
17 A thrusting action should accompany all linear punches and kicks , since it is believed to be related to potential power in a way that a snapping action is not .
18 The reason for this is not clear but it is believed to be related to surface characteristics such as defect chemistry .
19 Sun 's delay is believed to be related to bugs in the Cypress part which Cypress chief executive officer TJ Rodgers now admits exist but does n't detail .
20 Hilali 's replacement was believed to be related to problems encountered in the organization of a new national examination system .
21 The resignations of four government ministers in late September were believed to be related to forthcoming elections , with Education Minister Ricardo Lagos Escobar in particular stepping down in order to stand for the presidency in 1993 , and Carlos Ominami Pascual ( Economy ) to organize his campaign .
22 Non-specific changes were seen in 27 ( 0.5% ) ; new changes of possible myocardial ischaemia occurred in 10 ( 0.2% ) and 5 were believed to be related to sumatriptan ( 0.1% ) .
23 Consumers ' domestic expenditure C is assumed to be related to income levels Y .
24 Saving S in the economy is assumed to be related to income levels also , in a similar manner to consumption .
25 Since leakages are assumed to be related to income , and injections are assumed exogenous , then variations in income equate total income and expenditure flows in the circular flow model .
26 Thus ‘ abstract ’ is opposed to ‘ concrete ’ , ‘ explicit ’ to ‘ implicit ’ , ‘ elaborated code ’ to ‘ restricted code ’ , ‘ extensional structure ’ to ‘ in tensional structure ’ , and these types are taken to be related to differing kinds of social experience mediated or formed by a literate organization of reality , on the one hand , and an oral organization of reality , on the other .
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