Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [adv] [pers pn] happened " in BNC.

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1 But some few weeks later she happened to bring home from the library a volume of Marx 's early writings .
2 About half way back it happened : he stopped , sat down quickly in the middle of the road , and was very sick .
3 On other days , he tended to have lunch either at the Reform or at the Oxford and Cambridge Club ; to judge by his correspondence , there were few occasions when he happened to be " free " and he was forced to arrange regular times in order to see close friends like Herbert Read .
4 It was also a community , which encompassed all Jews wherever they happened to reside .
5 I know because many years ago I happened to be in the right place , in the ambulance I was driving at the right time and was able to e effect a rescue of an old woman from her smoke filled house at Burstill Ten minutes later I could not have done it because of the smoke .
6 He was at the garden party on Guy Fawkes Night in 1938 when the honourable member for Stockton , Harold Macmillan , burnt Chamberlain in effigy , and he earned the thanks of Bob Boothby later the same evening when he happened upon him making love to Macmillan 's wife against a turkey-oak tree — and went deaf and blind .
7 Any idea how it happened ? ’ she asked .
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