Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [be] all [art] " in BNC.

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1 This disappointment was all the more galling for the fact that the prime minister and eight other cabinet ministers had been his colleagues in the UDC ; and , unmollified by nomination for the Nobel peace prize , Morel became almost as bitter a critic of the Ramsay MacDonald government as of its predecessors .
2 This figure is all the more staggering when put in context : it is over four times the value of all Bolivia 's other export earnings that year and about equal to the entire country 's official gross national product .
3 This difference is all the more complete in that different rights in the same thing or place may be and usually are held by different people or different groups of people in those societies .
4 This poverty was all the worse for the general affluence around it , and until now it had been little noticed by the majority .
5 This point is all the more necessary in view of our finding that collaborative , interactive tasks kept children 's attention more effectively than solitary tasks yet solitary tasks predominated .
6 Bats are not commonly taken by owls , especially not rhinolophid bats ( Krzanowski , 1973 ) , so this behaviour is all the more exceptional .
7 This reticence is all the more striking when contrasted with the plethora of Second World War movies made both during the war and for many years afterwards .
8 Of course , the motivation for playing this game is all the stronger when we have reason to resent the ‘ out group ’ for being more powerful or better resourced than we are , or not subject to the strains , pressures and tensions we face ( of course , because they are an ‘ out group ’ we know little about the problems that they have and we do not ) .
9 The recipient had an obligation to use these talents to help others ; and since I was a heretic , my duties in this respect were all the more pressing .
10 This absence is all the more surprising given that it is these very questions which have dominated much of Marxist cultural theory over the past thirty years .
11 This caution is all the more necessary when we realize that there are varieties in which this change has not yet taken place , more than three centuries later , and that there are yet other varieties in which different changes have taken place .
12 This information is all the more important because of the official nature of coins , which thereby gives them an advantage over other more private inscriptions .
13 The force of such metaphors is all the greater because of the unconscious effect which racist discourse itself exerts .
14 The intent of the politician was of course to create a feeling of obligation , which he undoubtedly hoped would stand him in good stead at the next election , but such feelings were all the stronger because the shrewd political manager never breathed a word about a bargain or the anticipated political return .
15 These questions are all the more important in that the picture it paints of the real meaning of the New Testament , of Jesus ' message , and of the essential nature of Christianity , accurately reflects an understanding of the matter which is still very widespread among Christians in the present day , though usually in less sophisticated form .
16 That downturn is all the more remarkable considering the damage that the Government have done by reducing British industry .
17 In McGilligan 's case , the fruits of his labour have come late in his career and for that reason are all the more welcome .
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