Example sentences of "[det] [noun] can lead to " in BNC.

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1 The decision resulting from that review can lead to a change of housing , work , and other living arrangements within an institution , or a change of institution .
2 On the other hand , there are various quite distinct routes , and a single mathematical or physical system may exhibit more than one of them ; a change in some parameter can lead to a qualitative change in the route adopted as a second parameter is varied .
3 This attitude can lead to older people believing that they can not seek advice about their sexual needs and feelings .
4 But the success of review in some areas can lead to a keener awareness of its absence in others ; and however sophisticated the review process , it can affect only those dimensions of course management to which it is applied .
5 This mechanism can lead to the collapse of the mineral lattice ( as in the formation of the clay mineral vermiculite from biotite ) and it also renders a mineral more vulnerable to the operation of other weathering processes .
6 Some drugs can lead to people committing crimes or behaving violently .
7 This imbalance can lead to a number of diet-related diseases .
8 If the two worlds are not separated , this remorse can lead to confusion and vacillation , but when they are separated there is no morbid introspection .
9 Wherever you take them , though , try , if it is possible and the weather is good , to arrange for them to spend some of the time out of doors — for the housebound elderly are often short of vitamin D , which most of us get from natural sunlight ( as well as certain foods ) and this deficiency can lead to the painful condition of osteomalacia , in which there is rarefaction of the bones .
10 Such groups can lead to valuable exchanges of feelings and knowledge between the generations ; many focus on particular interests , hobbies and pursuits , and where appropriate older people should be encouraged to join , and even take a lead in their running and organization .
11 Consequently , dry cell manufacturers , quite rightly , put warnings on their products as such abuse can lead to the cell rupturing and electrolyte leakage .
12 Such pressures can lead to lack of environmental awareness or at least an understandable questioning of whether spending time or money or both on improving classroom ecology justifies the effort involved .
13 Imports of luxury goods ( TVs , cars , etc. ) and military equipment can be severely curtailed to save foreign currency earnings without damaging the economy , although the non-availability of such items can lead to unrest .
14 We saw in our discussion of bureaucracy that such developments can lead to a more efficient and effective organisation .
15 In the Gravelle and Katz model then , there is scope for a potential improvement in performance to be induced by constraints on the firm , despite the fact that such constraints can lead to other distortions .
16 Practical natural language systems are by necessity large and complex and modification of such systems can lead to unexpected results .
17 Sex can therefore remain a personal need , but the difficulties of fulfilling that need can lead to the acceptance of dominant ideas about the unacceptability of sex in old age .
18 Since breaches of these norms can lead to an acquittal , there is a strong temptation to conceal breaches , especially when the police believe that they have strong evidence of guilt .
19 Failure to use these words can lead to a lot of confusion , and provide opportunities for awkward parties to obstruct a reference by questioning the procedure used to arrive at a result which they expect to be unfavourable .
20 According to natural healing principles , these toxins can lead to disease if they are allowed to accumulate in the body .
21 The other notable consequence is that these changes can lead to alterations in the distribution of population between places .
22 The representations of these bodies can lead to the making of conditions or the reinforcement of conditions which the planning authority wish to impose in the interests of amenity .
23 In forestry , these chemicals can lead to a decline in water quality and to declines in aquatic fauna and flora .
24 Each menu can have up to nine selections and each selection can lead to a sub-menu of another nine options .
25 In essence , they argue that tiny differences in the initial conditions of many systems can lead to widely different outcomes since the systems exhibit stochastic behaviour within a deterministic framework .
26 Failure to benefit from a complete briefing in that respect can lead to a very rapid termination of your sport , so the onus is on you to ensure that you are fully aware of the exact boundaries .
27 It believes , with some assistance from professionals , that planning can lead to an environment wholly to its own taste .
28 Joining a trade union in South Africa and being active within that union can lead to dismissal physical violence imprisonment and even death .
29 Thus the same metaphor can lead to diametrically opposite understandings .
30 Frequently it is found that an accident is the result of a combination of adverse circumstances , each of which is normally containable but when occurring at the same time can lead to disaster .
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