Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] a [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 [ The neighbourhood studies ] are designed to obtain a large amount of linguistic and social data on the major social networks of the neighbourhoods .
2 And the seams of the canister are only designed to withstand a certain amount of pressure .
3 The growth of intra-industry is deemed to require a considerable amount of Europeanisation of the activities of companies by merger and acquisition , and DFI .
4 These media , which are for the present time state-owned , are therefore expected to devote a significant amount of air-time to the running of radio schools and the promotion of mass adult literacy education , as well as the study of other basic subjects .
5 These media , which are for the present time state-owned , are therefore expected to devote a significant amount of air-time to the running of radio schools and the promotion of mass adult literacy education , as well as the study of other basic subjects .
6 Even today the emigrant returning for a visit is expected to spend a fair amount of money entertaining family and friends .
7 For there is evidently a growing shortage everywhere of people who are both musically qualified and prepared to invest a significant amount of time , energy and expertise in the Church 's music .
8 Coffield , Borrill , and Marshall ( 1986 ) , though giving all the young people in their study pseudonyms of their own choosing , nevertheless ‘ decided to omit a large amount of the richest ( traceable ) data , on the principle that those who are researched own the facts of their own lives and have the right to decide what should and should not be published .
9 Shrewsbury and Borough Council have taken up the flagpole , have decided to spend a considerable amount of money on providing a visitor attraction in those buildings , around those buildings .
10 It is clear that a main attraction of the project for its participants was the opportunity offered to obtain a large amount of space in a Central London location for a modest outlay .
11 that almost regardless of the number , you 've actually got to do a certain amount
12 Previous studies have recorded in normal volunteers and in patients with PSS the number of swallows at specific intervals that were needed to clear a given amount of acid placed in the oesophagus .
13 A 96-pin hedgehog device is used to transfer a small amount of culture from the culture dish to the wells of the PCR dish .
14 But they have had to overcome a surprising amount of resistance to the idea that nurses should be involved in research , chiefly from within the nursing profession itself .
15 We have had to spend a disproportionate amount of money on marketing and selling . ’
16 In particular , the large romanized buildings have tended to dominate a disproportionate amount of past excavation at the expense of the more vernacular structures , even though recent evidence has begun to redress the balance .
17 An operation could be said to have increased in efficiency either if fewer inputs were used to produce a given amount of output , or a given level of input resulted in increased output .
18 Relocation is bound to cause a certain amount of disruption in the running of the business .
19 On the F-Plan you are asked to drink a generous amount of calorie-free liquid , but only a very modest quantity of calorie-supplying liquid .
20 He 's allowed to cultivate a certain amount as a favour . ’
21 Until 1936 he had also continued to do a certain amount of coaching for the Victoria Tutorial College .
22 Use a watering can with a fine rose attached to apply a small amount of water evenly , until the surface starts to turn a uniform dark colour
23 he or she is required to give a certain amount of notice .
24 As we try to decide what to eat , we notice that Denice has managed to do a certain amount of major structural damage to her menu , resulting to the pages ' coming out of the middle .
25 In that case the plaintiff , Dr. Roy , had begun an action in the Queen 's Bench Division against his family practitioner committee seeking , amongst other things , payment of part of his basic practice allowance which had been withheld by the committee , following their decision that he had failed to devote a substantial amount of his time to general practice as required by the relevant regulations .
26 He left a little money , he had managed to save a small amount , though God knows how in the war and just after .
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