Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] return to [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a strict order of preferential treatment , the newest titles are placed on the top rack , and moved down weekly , until the volumes on the bottom rack are superseded and returned to the publisher for pulping .
2 The needles are selected and returned to the working position on every row , whereas on Brother and Toyota the needles are in the selected position at the start of every row .
3 After five days the freezers were collected and returned to the laboratory .
4 The SPRs were investigated as they arrived , and one or more answering SSRs has been completed and returned to the originators of the SPRs , as well as to other users where appropriate .
5 The forms are checked and returned to the census officer for coding .
6 Upon completion of the procedure the form should be logged and returned to the New OED Computer Group .
7 The group has just officially opened a badger nursery where young injured and orphaned animals can be raised and returned to the wild .
8 A compromise is to filter out the damaged records ( any with an entry in Field 13 ) to a separate table , to be scanned visually , corrected with the script , inspected and returned to the original table .
9 Because of the Suez crisis , short-term regulars to whom we 'd previously said our goodbyes were getting re-mobilised and returning to the Canal one .
10 ‘ I hope I did n't hurt you , ’ she felt compelled to say politely when Luke had showered and returned to the bedroom .
11 The blood cells and plasma are then remixed and returned to the patient , who is conscious throughout .
12 The idea for his invention of a tower in which the oxides of nitrogen , the catalyst in the lead-chamber process , would be retained and returned to the process for reuse , dates from this period .
13 Before a thunderstorm , they become increasingly agitated and return to the hive in large numbers .
14 The finder had almost died , and Bissell had been restrained and returned to the Unit for full examination .
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