Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [pers pn] 's got " in BNC.

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1 well , erm tis n't , she 's not , she wants the W R A F and nothing else and Sue said you ca n't be like that , you know , and er , so they 've decided that she 's got ta carry on with this Saturday job because she wo n't be able to go on the dole look , straight away will she ?
2 And , or else he 'd be severely injured that he 's got the , the family rest of their life having to look after him and and could kill somebody .
3 but having said that she 's got a sort of ready meal , all you have to do is use one hand either pick your plate up , put it in the microwave and you 've got a cooked meal
4 We 've got to eat a lot more chicken now the doctor 's said that he 's got
5 Cos Chris was saying things like oh his , yeah he 's been to the funeral and erm he 's all of a sudden found that he 's got loads of cousins he did n't even know about .
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