Example sentences of "[vb pp] for several [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At one station we were stopped for several hours alongside a troop train on which I discovered the Reverend R.H.L. Slater , now enrolled as an army chaplain , who told me the comforting news that my wife and three children had got away from Myitkyina a day or two earlier .
2 It can however be arranged for several bills within one household to be included on the same payment .
3 During April and May the pilot arranged for several lessons with a microlight instructor using the instructor 's own aircraft ; completed in a total flight time of four hours , these flights covered mainly upper air handling with little practice in takeoffs and landings .
4 Antibiotics are also prescribed for acne treatment and need to be given for several months at a time to be effective .
5 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
6 ‘ At the alleged places of detention , ’ Mr Ahtisaari said , ‘ the facilities were found to have been stripped of all valuable material and not to have been inhabited for several weeks at least . ’
7 Further , his duties were substantially a continuation of those which he had undertaken for several years in connection with Tutorial Classes and the annual summer school arrangements .
8 The JET project was delayed for several years in the 1970s , while the council of ministers vacillated between giving the project to ISPRA , Garching in West Germany and Culham .
9 A decision by the Environment Secretary is not expected for several months after the close of the inquiry .
10 It is advisable for children to be given inactivated polio vaccine as the live vaccine contains polio virus which may be shed for several months after being taken .
11 It is advisable for children to be given inactivated polio vaccine as the live vaccine contains the polio virus which may be shed for several months after being taken .
12 However , the catering department ( which comprises the customer restaurant , tea-room , coffee bar and staff canteen ) has suffered for several years from higher than average food cost percentages and labour turnover .
13 Q I 'm 34 and have suffered for several years from intermittent burning pains in my knees , which often keep me awake .
14 Life went on , and pottery and other artefacts continued to be made for several decades at least .
15 The privatisation of the British Airports Authority ( BAA ) , postponed for several weeks by the 1987 election , also raised worries of monopoly — no attempt was made to privatise the airports controlled by the BAA as separate competing companies .
16 If the equilibrium price has moved substantially and suddenly , the limit pricing system could mean that the market is effectively closed for several days at a time .
17 In 1953 the Men 's Fireside , now led for several years by Dr Mathews , came into being .
18 The latter was one of Captain Buck 's SIG men , a Palestinian Jew who had served for several years in the German army .
19 In 1918 , at the invitation of ( Sir ) Ronald Storrs [ q.v. ] , the military governor of Jerusalem , he was seconded for several months to Palestine to advise on the renewal of crafts and light industries destroyed during the war , and worked closely with C. R. Ashbee [ q.v. ] , the governor 's civil adviser and secretary to the Pro-Jerusalem Society .
20 Born in Hawick , he was a late starter in photography , having worked for several years with a water board , but his eye for a picture has brought him distinction on numerous occasions .
21 His explanation that he had worked for several years for one master , until his employer had died , mollified Jonadab a little .
22 Instead he had worked for several years for Lintas , the advertising agency owned by Unilever , only abandoning this job a few months before war broke out in order to concentrate for a period entirely on his painting .
23 Rationing of sweets , like food and clothing , was continued for several years after the war was over , and people like me with a sweet tooth used to bemoan the meagre ration of sweets and chocolate we were allowed .
24 • In rare instances , new-born babies have been studied for several months in a constant environment in a hospital ward .
25 The times are noted in.my diary and , if they are accurate , I must have survived for several days in succession on as little as one or two hours ' sleep per night .
26 ’ And he had stood for several minutes in the passage , paralysed with embarrassment , and shame and chagrin .
27 However , the higher ground in Scotland and Wales is usually snow covered for several months in winter .
28 Road pricing , which involves charging drivers directly for their use of the road network , has been advocated for several years as a means of reducing congestion and environmental impact .
29 On March 10 eight Roman Catholic bishops were arrested and interrogated for several hours after a pastoral letter , termed by the government as " seditious " , had been read out in churches .
30 Many people are taken away hooded and chained and are interrogated for several days before being released .
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