Example sentences of "[vb pp] to the back of " in BNC.

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1 She had been carried to the back of the crowd .
2 The raised planting shelf could be siliconed to the back of the tank , with vertical braces , for a more permanent installation .
3 They can be left free or sewn to the back of the sail .
4 There was some desultory laughter and a few heads turned to the back of the room .
5 Now he looked again at the two betting-slips that lay on the table in front of him ; then turned to the back of the Business section for the Sport , his eye running down the results of the previous day 's racing at Fontwell Park .
6 When hanging these wallcoverings it is important to use the paste recommended by the manufacturer , and to check whether the paste should be applied to the back of the material or to the wall .
7 After two minutes a local anaesthetic spray ( 2% lignocaine 100 mg ; Astra Pharmaceuticals , UK ) was applied to the back of the throat and intravenous midazolam given to produce a similar level of sedation ( usually 2.5–5 mg ) .
8 The hands moved to the back of Colt 's neck and squeezed .
9 His long hand moved to the back of her naked throat , making her gasp .
10 Ollie what have you done to the back of your jacket ?
11 For the whole unit is bolted to the back of the tractor and it takes a mere ½hr to change it — and no need for a limp back to the workshop !
12 A plate pushed to the back of the table bore the remains of the Irishman 's breakfast : little curls of bacon rind , stains of yellow yolk and the lacy brown edges of eggs fried to a crisp in the pan .
13 On the floor below his suits , pushed to the back of the hanging space , I found his briefcase .
14 It was in early February that such preoccupations were abruptly , if not dispelled , at least pushed to the back of his mind , by the arrival of a messenger from the Black Knight of Liddesdale .
15 She was wearing a slack blue dress and a straw hat pushed to the back of her head .
16 The shock of hearing Dana say she was jealous would have to be pushed to the back of her mind for now .
17 Myra and Dreams had been pushed to the back of her mind .
18 He was awaiting us , a small skull cap pushed to the back of his black , oily hair .
19 Well we 'd seen to the back of the garden anyway cos we could see the hedge going across like that at forty five degrees .
20 By the end of the century the bun had slid to the back of the head , where it appeared as a flatly coiled plait .
21 He watched her for several seconds before the casual motion of a hand raised to the back of her neck and run up through her long hair identified the silhouette as Judith .
22 He was tied to the back of a horse and taken to Edinburgh , where he was tried , convicted and hanged .
23 This included the ribbon that decorated the bouquet , which I have actually placed in the picture itself , with the card and some of the pretty wrapping paper taped to the back of the frame .
24 He was relegated to the back of the grid , but fought his way through to finish in the top 10 .
25 Only , hers were so bad they were consigned to the back of the sideboard behind the huge glittery cards that came through the post .
26 DRESSES — long consigned to the back of the wardrobe in favour of suits and separates , the dress made a welcome return in delicate floaty fabrics and shapes .
27 DRESSES — long consigned to the back of the wardrobe in favour of suits and separates , the dress made a welcome return in delicate floaty fabrics and shapes .
28 Captions can be typed on shorter pieces of headed paper , but more often they are typed on plain paper or labels and stuck to the back of the photograph .
29 Some of the petrol stuck to the back of Billie 's hair and caught fire .
30 Catherine Crane wordlessly pointed to the back of the door of her office on which hung a neat suit .
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