Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] concerned [that] " in BNC.

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1 The Iranian , Syrian and Turkish governments were also reported to be concerned that the elections in Iraqi Kurdistan should not be seen as a first move towards the creation of an independent Kurdish state .
2 Motorola Inc is said to be concerned that the move will fuel suggestions that the 88000 RISC chip is dead even though the company may be at least partially responsible for the shortfall in 88open 's funding .
3 The Nigerian federal authorities were said to be concerned that the rioting could lead to polarization of the country 's Christian and Moslem areas , threatening plans to install an elected civilian government in 1992 .
4 Banks are said to be concerned that they could be liable for pollution from land or property they take as security , and insurers say they may not be able to offer environmental cover in future , restricting coverage to sudden or accidental pollution .
5 Recent reports have suggested some local authorities are putting pressure on the government to settle early and avoid huge payouts ; they 're said to be concerned that if the case is drawn out , more haemophiliacs will die , and in the event of the ruling going against the government , relatives will be eligible for compensation .
6 But the legal profession is understood to be concerned that such a move would compromise the impartial working of the Forensic Science Laboratories .
7 On Oct. 29 , however , Kim declared that he would not enter the contest , leading to speculation that he had bowed to pressure from Roh , whose administration had worked closely with Daewoo and who was known to be concerned that Kim 's intervention could split the conservative vote and thereby allow Kim Dae Jung to win the election .
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