Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] we shall [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As to negotiations with the statutory objector , these are being pursued and we shall do our best to reach a satisfactory conclusion on the hon. Gentleman 's constituency project .
2 I have already said that we shall publish that figure once all the sales are completed .
3 More can be done and more is being done and we shall encourage the industry to go out and get more business wherever it is ; but it has made a good start .
4 We shall assume that g is known and we shall treat g as the predictable component of monetary growth ; on the other hand , v t is not known and is therefore the unpredictable component .
5 The issues in this famous case are extremely involved and we shall consider them further in Chapter III .
6 Marx 's theory about what causes the historical process has been very widely discussed and we shall return to it again and again in this book , but even at this stage a simple account of it must be given .
7 When they are , we shall consider what the independent inquiry has identified and we shall do whatever is necessary to enhance safety in the use of the railways .
8 If that theory has determined that we shall die by hanging , then we shall not drown .
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