Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] replace by [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is especially so when the idea of ‘ reflection ’ — in which art works directly embody pre-existing social material — is modified or replaced by the idea of ‘ mediation ’ .
2 In the Police and Criminal Evidence Act , the old idea of voluntariness , with its preoccupation with the mental state of the suspect , was dropped and replaced by a broader rule .
3 By 1930 , when Sir Richard Hopkins gave evidence on behalf of the Treasury to the Macmillan Committee , the ‘ crowding out ’ theory had been quietly dropped and replaced by an insistence on the administrative difficulties involved .
4 The problems associated with achieving physical contact have been superseded and replaced by the certainty of killing as soon as the pests bite or suck .
5 On Jan. 2 , 1993 ( the date on which the civilian administration was to have been inaugurated ) the Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) would be dissolved and replaced by a National Defence and Security Council ; the present Council of Ministers would also cease to exist , giving way to a civilian Transitional Council with the responsibility of overseeing the final stages of the transition .
6 With the growth in numbers in asylums , however , and the take-over by medical men rather than educators , the early conviction that education could lead to improvement and a return to the community was eroded and replaced by the more pessimistic approach reflected in the oppressive institutions of this century .
7 The 1896 Convention was revised and replaced by a Convention on Civil Procedure of 17 July 1905 .
8 When salaries were discussed again last December the original offer of 3% was not increased , but was withdrawn and replaced by a 19 month pay pause .
9 In the ensuing power struggle over the right to dictate the newspaper 's political position , the newspaper 's editor was dismissed and replaced by the Communist Party 's own adherents .
10 In essence , the existing green form scheme should be abolished and replaced by a system of advice based on a much greater involvement of advice agencies .
11 Current corporate taxes of 42.5 per cent plus the " special contributions " to the refugee fund , were to be abolished and replaced by a 20 per cent flat rate company tax .
12 Moreover , in July 1991 unemployment benefit was to be abolished and replaced by a short-term " job search " allowance and a " new-start " allowance for those unemployed for longer than a year .
13 The Council of Ministers was abolished and replaced by a Cabinet reporting directly to the President .
14 In 1993 , the IBA will be abolished and replaced by the Independent Television Commission ( ITC ) which will inherit the IBA 's duties to ensure due impartiality and decency in the medium .
15 In Edmonton the classical station was demolished and replaced by a tower block in 1966 .
16 Otherwise , the DC must be aborted and replaced by a number of other DCs , each of which covers only part of the original work required .
17 Otherwise , the DC must be aborted and replaced by a number of other DCs , each of which covers only part of the original work required .
18 Isfield itself seems to have shifted from its old site , up near the parish church , to a new site almost a quarter of a mile south-eastwards ; the moated manor near the church was abandoned and replaced by a new separate dwelling .
19 In their presence , the audience could feel its civilized surface annulled and replaced by a consoling sense of unity with nature .
20 The Left argued that " the mere fact of the Chamberlain Government being overthrown and replaced by a Labour or People 's Government would be a defeat for Hitler and Mussolini " .
21 The two side lamps on the dash were removed and replaced by a single side/tail lamp holder , with provision for a route number stencil , fixed to the underside of the stair landing .
22 In 1868 the Fenny Compton tunnel , on the same canal , was removed and replaced by a cutting .
23 They showed , for instance , that if you look at someone saying ‘ ga ’ on a piece of film with the sound being removed and replaced by the sound ‘ ba ’ , then subjects will actually report hearing the sound ‘ da ’ .
24 It should be scrapped and replaced by a sustainable system of healthy food production .
25 During the third week of rehearsal , Gene Hackman was fired and replaced by the extremely different Murray Hamilton .
26 The fact that Nikon overreached himself was clearly exposed when Tsar Alexis forced him to withdraw from public affairs and subsequently had him deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor .
27 The former arrangements by which district councils over a certain size could receive or claim delegated powers from counties in respect of certain services were repealed and replaced by a ‘ provision under which local authorities can agree between themselves for one to carry out functions on behalf of another ’ ( Department of the Environment/Welsh Office 1974:2 ) .
28 To do away with the evils of this system , as well as to guard against dangers of fraud and forgery , a Land Registry was established by the Land Transfer Act 1875 , which was amended and extended by the Land Transfer Act 1897 , both Acts being repealed and replaced by the Land Registration Acts 1925–1988 .
29 The 1938 Act was repealed and replaced by the Inheritance ( provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , which increases the range of dependants who may apply for provision on death and gives the court wider powers than previously existed so that it can make whatever type of order may be most appropriate in the circumstances .
30 They re-enact the arrangements already provided in the Local Government Finance and Valuation Act 1991 , which is to be repealed and replaced by the Bill and do not , therefore , make any changes to the present arrangements .
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