Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] talking [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An example of a punishing event would be a child at school who is reprimanded for talking during lessons .
2 You 've heard of talking to plants to boost their growth , but what about stroking them to keep pests away ?
3 Heather appeared in court manacled and was prevented from talking to reporters after his hearing .
4 Far more money is still being made in talking about biotechnology than in actually doing it .
5 Dorcas used to talk about wiggly electricity in the same tone of voice Gurder used for talking about Arnold Bros ( est. 1905 ) .
6 At the front door , Miss Rose said , ‘ Have you thought of talking to Kate Maybury ?
7 I first turned to them out of desparation in a case where I was making no progress and after some initial success my enthusiasm was further stimulated by talking to Richard Pitt a member of The Society of Homœopaths who kindly sent me a photocopy of the article by Dr. Robert Schore which is reprinted here .
8 Some teachers told the evaluators that they did not feel justified in talking to pupils about the girls and science problem , and gave the impression that they felt to do so would be tantamount to propaganda .
9 I 'd like to spend erm a few minutes , hopefully not too long because I 'm er known for talking for hours and hours when it comes to our company and our product , but hopefully just a few minutes telling you about our approach to developing an open accounting system .
10 That was why he was reduced to talking to George Harbinger .
11 Three European countries were chosen and one week was spent in each country with most of the time being devoted to talking to family and part-time farmers .
12 Mr Stern has not flinched from talking to buyers , sellers , advisers , consultants , accountants , friends , farmers and agents in his determination to buy at what he considers a reasonable price .
13 However , there is a different form of uncertainty that can not possibly help the theist 's case , and that is uncertainty about what is meant by talking about God .
14 The trip down would start off quietly for a while , everyone busily engaged in talking with friends , but soon the holiday spirit would prevail and after the first stop , singing would start , and then arriving at our destination , coaches to be unloaded , mountains of food carted on to the sands , and the task of enjoying oneself began .
15 Abilities or aptitudes can be tested psychologically ; experience can be validated by talking to peers or previous employers .
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