Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] recent [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gary Owen and Cyrille Regis had sunpensions received for recent sendings off delayed .
2 CONTROLS on imported fish will be enforced more strictly , the European Commission confirmed yesterday in Brussels , as expected after recent protests by Scottish , Welsh , English and French fishermen against cheap imports , mainly from Russian ships .
3 Here biblical images of ‘ rebellion ’ and ‘ holy war ’ were fused with recent experiences of anti-slavery and republican struggle to forge a discourse of political representation for women — the enslaved women who had found a voice , a point of identification in one of themselves .
4 The importance of ‘ generic skills ’ has been stressed in recent years by the Manpower Services Commission ( now Training Agency ) as a flexible response to and preparation for a fast-changing economy .
5 Much of our knowledge about the domestic and workshop accommodation has been derived from aerial survey , supplemented in recent years by larger area excavations and improved recovery techniques .
6 Of the constituent countries of the UK , Northern Ireland had a considerable degree of devolved government but this has been modified in recent years pending resolution of Ireland 's partition problems .
7 In particular , TV buying has come in recent years to be regarded as something of a separate skill — arguably to the detriment of the media operations of agencies as a whole .
8 They all have alluvial flood plains or levels of wet permanent pasture in which extensive flooding used to be of frequent occurrence , but many improvement schemes have been instituted in recent years with stretches of river being straightened and flood banks raised .
9 Speaking in Perth yesterday at a press briefing on possible future strategies for the arable sector following the new set- aside regulations , a chemical manufacturer , Peter Botham of WBC Technology , gave warning that the increases which farmers have enjoyed in recent months in grain values were not without a cost .
10 To some extent this latter advantage has been eroded in recent years by the tendency to go for late bookings , at least by the ‘ experienced ’ holiday-maker .
11 They operate under Royal Charters , appoint their own staff , decide on their own admissions policies and have traditionally had academic freedom in their teaching and research , though the last of these has arguably been eroded in recent years by the ‘ earmarking ’ of government funds for specific subjects , and the need to seek sponsors for particular projects .
12 Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan has launched an appeal for a centre to rescue orphaned and injured Mediterranean monk seals , whose numbers have collapsed in recent years to the point where they are , according to the Prince , " one of the most forgotten creatures on earth " .
13 In late March the Indonesian government responded to recent attempts by various Western countries to establish a link between human rights concerns and development aid by announcing its rejection of all aid from the Netherlands and the disbandment of the Netherlands-chaired 14-member aid consortium , the Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia ( IGGI ) .
14 Moreover , the distinction between services and manufacturing has been exaggerated over recent years by the growth of leasing [ Rybczynski , 1982 ] .
15 The committee says its measures are aimed at protecting the privacy of ordinary people who come into contact with the press as well as being targeted at recent revelations in tapes involving the Royal Family .
16 Those works include sculpture by Richard Deacon , Julian Opie , Grenville Davey and Richard Wentworth and a painting by Lisa Milroy and have been hung with recent purchases of contemporary art by Ashley Bickerton , Damien Hirst and other younger artists .
17 Banks in Britain have suffered in recent times from the recession just like any other business .
18 It has suffered in recent years from heavy traffic which the new by — pass will alleviate , but the old market town which I remember from forty-odd years ago is fast becoming yet a multiple retailers ' outlet .
19 Much has been written in recent years of the so-called " male menopause " .
20 So much has been written in recent years about Ralph Sarich 's Orbital two-stroke engine that our award for technical innovation might appear somewhat tardy .
21 A good deal has been written in recent years about Primitive Catholicism , the tendency apparent even within the New Testament period itself to domesticate the Holy Spirit , to make him the perquisite of the Church .
22 A great deal of nonsense has been spoken and written in recent years concerning his lordship and the prominent role he came to play in great affairs , and some utterly ignorant reports have had it that he was motivated by egotism or else arrogance .
23 ‘ Rothman 's has expanded in recent years despite a ban on cigarette advertising on television , at the cinema and on hoardings outside school gates . ’
24 Like Ringmer , the population of the village has rapidly expanded in recent years from just under 2,000 in 1971 to over 3,000 in 1981 .
25 Those respondents calling for a drastic limitation of the professions ' liability and/or the abolition of the Compensation Fund altogether , often voiced the angry conviction that the transition from profession to trade — with the accompanying loss of status for the services of solicitors which that implied — had accelerated in recent years to the point at which the profession could no longer be called upon to pay for the dubious moral privilege of an ‘ anachronistic ’ system of compensation .
26 Tension between the republican leaderships and the military had risen in recent weeks over conscription and the stationing of Soviet troops in the republics .
27 The Mirror has been beset in recent weeks with rumours and reports that it was about to be taken over .
28 Jampel Changchub and Ngawang Phulchung , Tibetan Buddhist monks at Drepung monastery , were both sentenced in 1989 to 19 years ' imprisonment — the longest sentence against prisoners of conscience ever imposed in recent years by the authorities in Tibet .
29 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
30 Derrida 's recognition of a tension created between the play of language and history has been matched in recent years by an attempt by some critics to force a polarisation between critical activities which embrace history from those which embrace linguistic theory .
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